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The OLD Souls of the Pluto in Capricorn generation
Character Astrology
The OLD Souls of the Pluto in Capricorn generationThe Pluto in Capricorn generation (2008 till 2024) are coming with profound knowledge about survival in difficult circumstances, stemming from past lives. Capricorn is all about taking action (cardinal) in harsh and limiting situations, making executive but practical and calm decisions, building things up from the ground and creating the foundations of social structures (like the last generation of Pluto in Capricorn 240 years ago, who were the ones that built the rules of brand new freed States and the first French Republic which happened when they were in their 20ies/30ies/40ies. I wonder what mission are the kids of this last Capricorn Pluto generation coming for? It seems we will soon need ...
Character Astrology
Retrograde and direct planetsWhat is the difference between being born with a direct or a retrograde planet?  The soul advances in two ways. First, it collects new external experiences from the world. This is what a direct birth planet does. Then to make things we experience our own, we should process these experiences. The mind processes the experiences we collected from the outside world: goes over them again and again till it interprets them in its own soul-specific way. This is a retrograde birth planet. It is way more internal and not so external in manifestation.  That’s why people who have retrograde planets might feel like the area indicated by the retrograde planet is stuck, not moving forward, going in ...
Retrograde and direct planets
The Mystery of VIRGO: God’s most beloved Sign
Character Astrology
The Mystery of VIRGO: God’s most beloved Sign  Virgo has a bad rap in modern astrology, as picky, finicky, critical and neurotic. But in ancient times it was the most revered sign in the mystery schools. It was depicted as a pure angel with wings (not some sexy adult virgin as we tend to draw it now) and its was considered the first step to Higher consciousness for the striving Disciple. All esoteric schools where initiates are prepared for communion with God (think development of astral travel, vision into higher dimensions which allows to access the past and future, ability to heal with energy and do “miracles” in a higher state of consciousness) start with a long period of SERVICE and PURIFICATION for the student: The quintessential ...
Character Astrology
The Scorpio / Pluto ChallengeDeep true healing (physical and psychological) and release of lowly / degenerate behaviors is the area of Scorpio: it happens through Transformation of painful feelings and traumas. That’s why psychologists, occultists, astrologers, shamans, healers and other professionals who can help others transform and shift painful traumatic present or past life feelings into deep understanding and empowerment, are all ruled by Scorpio and the 8th house. Those that learn to master the realm of feelings and switch from one psychological state to another by will are called: Initiates, disciples, spiritual students/masters! They become such by special training (occult training which speeds this process up) ...
The Scorpio / Pluto Challenge
The 12 Ascendants. Looks, Mannerism, Social Mask
Character Astrology
The 12 Ascendants. Looks, Mannerism, Social MaskThe Ascendant is the most innate and instinctive of the twelfth faces through which the world sees us and how we see our world. It is the personal image others see when we engage in movement such as walking, jumping, or simply interacting with the world. People around us know our type of walk, our dressing style, the facial expressions we make as we converse or express emotion, our mannerism. The Ascendant is an open book even though we often are not aware that we present ourselves like that, but it is the first energy others notice about us. We cannot hide the physical and most visible expression of our Ascendant. For example: you might think that you are an intense and complex person (say ...
Character Astrology
Pisces in the 12 Houses. Where to Fully Surrender in LifeThis knowledge is part of the extensive webinar “The 12 Signs”. To find out about all signs and areas of life, take this foundational course. Pisces is such a confusing and difficult to gdrowning person, trashing about in the water, using all these might to survive for a second more, it is in the same way that we lead some areas of our life! Desperately trying to keep it all togetherasp sign! It gets definitions like: fears, dread, weaknesses, vices, victimhood, loss and helplessness but also lofty such like: surrender, transcendent, magical, effortless, Divine bliss! What is it really ...
 Pisces in the 12 Houses. Where to Fully Surrender in Life
The beauty of Capricorn!
Character Astrology
The beauty of Capricorn!  I have zero Capricorn energy in my horoscopes and I always found Capricorns maybe a bit dull, too fixed on should and not should now... but in the last few months my progressed Moon (how one feels) moved into Capricorn and I am finally starting to see the beauty and stupendous power of this so demonized and downgraded sign! But let me go step by step!  I am having this temporary Capricorn influence since a few months and I have been more critical and judgmental towards myself and others, there is a serious tone to my daily moods and actions, my mind is all on work, specifically on the structure of it, on how to organize it so I am more efficient and eventually work less and be more productive ...
Character Astrology
Planets on the AscendantWritten by astrologer Anthony: The planets on the ascendant, say a lot about the immediate surroundings that the child first experienced, and had to adapt to at the time of birth. The Sun: When the Sun is on the ascendant the father was very proud to receive the child, and recognised the child proudly as his own. This is one of the main reasons, why these people express strong personalities.There is no stopping these natural born leaders when they set their mind, and heart into doing something they love. The Moon: With the Moon on the ascendant. The mother experienced intense emotions before, and after the birth. These emotions could go from ...
Planets on the Ascendant
Retrograde Planets in the Birth Chart. Curse or Something else?
Character Astrology
Retrograde Planets in the Birth Chart. Curse or Something else?Do you have retrograde planets in your birth chart? Many people bemoan their retrograde planets, that they are stumbling blocks in their life, they blame these for their slow progress and delays, but let me give you a deeper perspective about them! A retrograde planet was moving backwards in the sky in relationship to other planets when you were born( it is an optical illusion but visible with the eye). This implies that the planet would be carrying something from the past with it! And it does, whatever qualities and talents this planet represents, the soul has been using and honing in past lives already and intend to do so again in this life. When they incarnate again they bring precocious ...
Character Astrology
Horoscope Patterns in the Birth Chart and SuccesDid you know that your horoscope can show which part of your life will be busiest. For example having most planets below or above the horizon, will give 2 very different lifestyles and age of fulfilment of one’s potentials! Usually planets below the horizon are more hidden, they manifest later in life, while the first part of life might have been more difficult, complicated or unfulfilling. It is like an incubation period of your talents, which will manifest later in life. Such people are usually more introverted compared to those people with most planets above the horizon, who come into the public eye from early on, are more extroverted and seem to be so busy with life! But those with planets ...
Horoscope Patterns in the Birth Chart and Succes
How to Be the Woman You are Meant to Be and Attract Well Being
Character Astrology
How to Be the Woman You are Meant to Be and Attract Well BeingHear the Call of your Venus and Moon! The media, our idols, social circle, family-they all bombard us with different suggestions of what the ideal woman should be, no wonder so many women are insecure and neurotic with their own femininity this day and age. You cannot be all-he perfect house wife, independent career woman, amazing mother, sizzling lover, etc. But each woman has a few roles in which she would feel more natural and blossom her feminine radiance! When a woman tries to stifle this inherent inner Goddess, and instead attempts to play a role which is not innate to her, a resonance appears, due to the clash of her feminine vibration and the imposed unnatural one. Instead of feeling ...
Character Astrology
Aries Through the HousesAnya - Astrologer 30 years of experience: for Anya's services: You know what it means to have an Aries Ascendant, but what does it mean to have the sign Aries on the other house cusps? You may not even know what the astrological term ‘house’ actually means. Houses are areas of life experience. Think of it as a movie or a play: planets are the actors, and houses are the scenes where the actors perform. What happens between the actors is called aspects, and the way the players (planets) act depends on the sign they’re in. These are the four building blocks of astrology: planets, signs, houses, and aspects. Here, I’ll talk about what it’s like when Mars rules ...
Aries Through the Houses
The Critical 0 Degree in Astrology! New Karma!
Character Astrology
The Critical 0 Degree in Astrology! New Karma!There are critical degrees in the zodiac. The last-29th and the first-0 degree of each sign are given very special meaning and power. Planets situated there will act with a tinge of extremes and respectively the area of the person's life, ruled by this planet, will have a more unusual and charged up manifestation. In this article I look in depth at the 0 degree planets (I have already covered the 29th degree). You can find out, if you have any planets at the critical 0 degree by going to the birth chart calculator, entering your birth details, and once you generate the chart, scroll to the Planetary Detail Table and check all the planets there--if you have any in the 0 to 1 degree of a sign ...
Character Astrology
Maturation Ages of the PlanetsJupiter matures at 16 years of age, the Sun at 21, the Moon at 24, Venus at 25, Mars at 28, Mercury at 32, Saturn at 36, Rahu at 42 and Ketu at 48. These are thus very important times in life when significant events connected to these planets happen. While a planet is still not mature, it cannot give its full potential. Jupiter rules one’s ability to procreate and have children, at around the 16th year of life, the female body becomes mature enough to be able to bear children. Jupiter also rules one’s belief system. Around the age of 15-16, one forms their most enduring belief system-one is mature enough to be able to have their own understanding and meaning about reality—this is a very ...
Maturation Ages of the Planets
Mars in Pisces. Energy and Sex Drive
Character Astrology
Mars in Pisces. Energy and Sex DriveSuch person is very delicate and always takes into consideration the desires and opinions of others. He does not intrude where he is not invited or desired. These people like to make others comfortable and do not expect a reward in return or special gratitude. Their way of acting is usually light and delicate, their decisions usually stay hidden from others. They do not possess an unusual physical strength and do not like to do anything by force, they need to feel some sort of joy from the actions they do and then they are capable of long and enduring effort and work. They are idealistic and rarely will do something out of selfish reasons, but sometime their actions can look a bit impractical ...
Character Astrology
Venus in Pisces. Love StyleThis is the most romantic of all postions in love! These are the dreamers who have a romantic ideal from young and hope for prince/princess Charming to sweep them off. They can fall in love whole heartedly, devotedly and idealizingly more than anyone else because they can feel the essence of the other person and always see the best side(God within) their partners. They feel deeply the sentiments and emotions of their partners and can often sacrifice their interest for the other because their boundaries in relationships are not so clear and they are not fullt aware where they stop and the other one starts, they the other as a part of themselves. This can lead to a few painful and awakening experiences ...
Venus in Pisces. Love Style
Mercury in Pisces. Thinking and Skills
Character Astrology
Mercury in Pisces. Thinking and SkillsA common manifestation of Mercury here, in its weakest sign, is an individual having a weak sense of direction. They so easily get lost, even in places they know well. This is not a very critical placement for Mercury and oversensitivity and impressionability can lead to misunderstandings and a distortion of the facts. Nevertheless, there can be a marked ability for getting into other people’s heads and for reflecting their views and ideas. This can be a very empathic placement. Some people with this Mercury are able to almost telepathically infiltrate the mind of others. There are sometimes issues to do with sensitivity to sound and sometimes issues of pronunciation can feature. Some will ...
Character Astrology
Mars in Aquarius. Energy and Sex DriveThey possess flexible and unconventional approach to solving problems and reaching their goals. The actions and behaviors of the person often do not fit the standard model accepted by society. The person loves to experiment and constantly improve themselves. Even when they confront the same problem, they can solve it each time in a different way. They do not like brute conflict and physical confrontations. They need a peaceful, intelligent environment in order to give the best they can. The physical energy is also unusual and changes constantly, they can endure long hours of pressure and work at times but at others, they can loose their vitality from the smallest exertion and need a long rest ...
Mars in Aquarius. Energy and Sex Drive
Venus in Aquarius. Relationship Style
Character Astrology
Venus in Aquarius. Relationship StyleThese some very charming and friendly people who are attracted to similar partners. They will most likely have first a friendship relationship with their future partner or at least be from similar social circles where they can exchange ideas and get to know each other before. They tend to fall for the mind of the other and are often most drawn by unique, unusual, exceptional or downright eccentric partners who show strong individuality and different ideas from the crowd. They would like the quirky astrology chick or the edgy IT guy who has a really eclectic music collection! Usually the most important thing for them is meeting the other on a mental level and having mutual goals or ideals. Also ...
Character Astrology
Mercury in Aquarius. Thinking and SkillsPeople with this skeptical and quite objective Mercury come to their ideas and opinions independently. They may listen to the views of others but won’t swallow these wholesale. In the world at large, they tend to question political spin and advertising jargon. Mercury in Aquarius individuals are interested in the truth as the see it and when being told something, often the first question they ask themselves is: “Is this true?” Many Mercury Aquarius are interested in human nature and in the natural world. Knowledgeable, with wide interests, this combination can also give rise to infuriatingly opinionated know-it-all. It can describe people with strong convictions who are not frightened ...
Mercury in Aquarius. Thinking and Skills
Mars in Capricorn. Energy and Sex Drive
Character Astrology
Mars in Capricorn. Energy and Sex DriveWill of steel, decisiveness and toughness! These people are always focused and serious in their intentions. They are ready to face and overcome all kinds of difficulties on the way to achieving their goals. The tougher it is, the better! They have amazing endurance and are capable of getting mountains of work done and achieve everything through persistence and perseverance. The more challenges they have, the more alive they feel. Comfort and easy living make these people weak and nonchalant. This person will stand up for his position and will not show fear, he believes that victory is just a matter of time and he is capable of waiting! He always needs to see concrete results for his actions ...
Character Astrology
Venus in Capricorn. Love StyleThese are lovers of the more traditional and practical types of relationships anything quirky, edgy or controversial in partnerships will sooner or later drive them away or make them feel very uncomfortable. They can look somewhat cold and reserved initially when expressing their emotions because they take time to open up to the partner and develop feelings but once they do, they will be usually very loyal and go for the long run. To win their heart faster one has to show some practical and even material ways of appreciation, like offering them help, security or make future goals together. When a Capricorns venus person falls in love and gets to trust the person, they will become very sensual ...
Venus in Capricorn. Love Style
Mercury in Capricorn. Thinking and Skills
Character Astrology
Mercury in Capricorn. Thinking and SkillsThere can be a marked ability to discipline their thoughts, to remove extraneous mental clutter and to really concentrate on the matter in hand. An efficient and organized brain makes this a great position for any number of administrative tasks and also for any activity requiring mental discipline. Individuals with this placement tend to be both very careful with communications and careful with what they say. They do not like to open their mouths without a good reason. Typically, they want to be respected for their ideas and dislike being thought of as stupid. They are not averted to taking elocution lessons so that they can speak and sound properly in the right circles of society. Certainly ...
Character Astrology
Mars in Sagittarius. Energy and Sex Drive
Mars in Sagittarius. Energy and Sex Drive
Venus in Sagittarius. Love Style
Character Astrology
Venus in Sagittarius. Love StyleHere we have a very adventurous person when it comes to love. They can be quite open in their likes and dislikes and even sometimes downright rude but usually they do it with a sense of humour. When they really like someone they will start joking and making the other person laugh. Having a good time and partying with their partner is the best aphrodisiac for them and guarantees to keep them coming back for more. Serious, too practical or overly emotional conversations are ok but if you put them on a diet of such only, they will be sure to find another sunnier, more positive, idealistic and fun partner. They usually have a great sense of humour and like to associate with such people. They love ...
Character Astrology
Mercury in Sagittarius. Thinking and SkillsA broad-minded, fun-loving Mercury, this placement can be associated with people who travel a great deal-especially if the rest of the chart confirms this. It is an ideal placement for the travel agent, tour guide or long distance lorry-driver. It can me make people skilled in international law or trade. There can be great skills at spinning a yarn, so the telling of tall stories belongs here. While there can be a certain sloppiness with respect to accuracy or the details of a given story, there is often a wonderful capacity for imbuing an anecdote with fun, sparkle of meaning. Often it indicates good story tellers. People with Mercury in Sagittarius can be great at seeing the wider view and ...
Mercury in Sagittarius. Thinking and Skills
Mars in Scorpio
Character Astrology
Mars in ScorpioVery strong position of Mars! These people possess enormous energy, incredible inner willpower and strength, but everything is controlled, and not elemental and untamed like Mars in Aries people. They know very well what they want and desire, and always imagine and picture it very precisely, in details and manage to achieve their goals, no matter what. They are aware of the price they need to pay for everything they desire and are ready to pay it. They do not like to give up or withdraw. Mars in Scorpio pepople can influence others and make them accept their point of view. They manage perfectly in all critical situations and this is where their strength and gifts shine. If they are cornered ...
Character Astrology
Venus in Scorpio. Love StyleThese people are extremely intense and deep when it comes to love! For them it is all or nothing in love. They either want to fully merge with you and possess your soul, or if you hurt them can hate you for life! Their dark side is that they can become obsessive, controlling or really jealous in live. Superficial relationships are not their cup of tea and even if they do this, it will be just a temporary phase. They like to go deep down and dirty!;) Most of their relationships are very loyal and once they trust their partner they can explore amazing depths of intimacy and even experiment. A bit of domination, submission, tantra or more kinky,taboo sexual practices do miracles for their libido ...
Venus in Scorpio. Love Style
Mercury in Scorpio
Character Astrology
Mercury in ScorpioThis can be a very witty placement for Mercury, even though they might not be the most talkative of people. Some are very skilled at delivering witty one-liners. This placement is great for conspiracy theorists for there can be a tendency to take a somewhat dark, cynical or unflinchingly honest view of human nature. Often there is an interest in psychological matters, if not academically then certainly in simply trying to fathom what makes others tick. There is an interest too in researching death, sex, medicine, energy, the occult and potentially all of lives mysteries and taboo topics. Although this placement can indicate a person of few words-someone who does not give away more than what ...
Character Astrology
Mars in Libra. Energy and Sex StyleHere Mars is comparatively calm and easy going. Such people do not like conflicts and stressful situations. They always try to resolve them through conversations, negotiations, and compromises. They will often accept and take into consideration the opinions and desires of others which can look like indecisiveness. Because they try to balance and smooth outer conflicts, they often experience inner tension instead. They are not capable of prolonged physical exertion. If life is peaceful and comfortable, you will not notice any weaknesses in the Libra Mars person. He/she feels in their element during good times, but when critical or tense situations come in which one has to react fast and with ...
Mars in Libra. Energy and Sex Style
Venus in Libra. Love Style
Character Astrology
Venus in Libra. Love StyleThis is a great position for Venus. This gives a subtle and refind sense of beauty and gentle approach to romancing. Love interest is usually triggered by more mental and social stimulation than by raw sexual attraction only. Anything vulgar, too extreme or unorthodox can put them off a partner. He or she should be socially acceptable and graceful with classical tastes and demeanor or else the venus in libra person will not consider long term commitment. The libra venus native is usually also very likable, kind and charming with fair treatment of others. They need relationships which are equally balanced and no one domineers over the other nor has more responsibilities. Equal involvement from ...
Character Astrology
Mercury in Libra. Thinking and SkillsA capacity for reflecting back the opinions and ideas of others can mean that those with Mercury in Libra may have the gift of ensuring that others feel understood. These individuals may know what others think, even if they are not always so sure about their own opinions. The capacity to reflect back, can make this a useful placement for the counselor if the chart overall agrees. At best, Mercury here lends a gracefulness in self expression, a high degree of tact and an ability to convey things in the niceest possible way. This can make the Mercury in Libra person very persuasive if not always totally honest. Some with this placement, find it possible to agree with both sides of opposing factions ...
Mercury in Libra. Thinking and Skills
Mars in Virgo. Energy and Sex Style
Character Astrology
Mars in Virgo. Energy and Sex StyleThe sense of duty is above all for them! Such a person can do any kind of work/activity, no matter if he/she enjoys it or not. They are extremely precise, conscientious and hard working. Often this position shows some of the best professionals in their respected fields. One can fully rely on them. They do not fear obstacles and can live in Spartan conditions. Their heath is not always the strongest but they can get very serious about their health and take all the preventative steps to improve it, through diet, exercises, herbs, etc. They are not conflict prove and they can work in subservient positions. When they need to tackle an enemy or a problem, they do it with precise and clever moves ...
Character Astrology
Venus in VirgoVenus in Virgo people might feel a bit cold and unaffectionate to others, because they think too much and analyse longer how to best behave in social and love situations. They have rules set for how to act in most occasions. Much is premeditated, hence the lack of spontaneity in relationships. But when they are in love or like someone, they will do something helpful and practical for them-like give you a massage, fix your laptop, give you an advice on how to better manage your business, etc-gestures which most people would not consider too romantic but which are the Virgo Venus’ way of showing appreciation. Physical hygiene, a neat and well maintained appearance, and understated but good ...
Venus in Virgo
Mercury in Virgo. Your Thinking and Skills
Character Astrology
Mercury in Virgo. Your Thinking and SkillsAn analytical and rather skeptical placement, this is someone who tries to be objective. Classically the individual is meticulous with information and gifted with classifying, categorizing and organizing it. They make great managers, organizers and administrative professionals. This is a position which also gives a skill to write, but not so much creatively as technically and precisely thus delivering facts with little distortion. Natural Journalists! The Mercury in Virgo person, knows how to make information useful. Great with details, there can be a marked capacity to deal with any amount of complexity and intricacy in terms of learning analyzing and using information. This is good for any ...
Character Astrology
Mars in Leo. Energy and Sex styleThe person possesses a strong vitality which usually predisposes to a good health and fast recuperation. They have long and string physical endurance but do not act very expansively or bluntly despite of the fire element. They judge if and where it is reasonable to apply their energy and strength. They do not use rough power unless they are really cornered, but if so, they will roar like a Lion! They like to impress others with their behavior and actions. They love activities with a creative spark and full of vigor and life. They do not feel happy doing things by force but will do their duty. In love, they are very fiery, passionate and open. They impress with their strong sexual aura. They ...
Mars in Leo. Energy and Sex style
Venus in Leo. Love Style
Character Astrology
Venus in Leo. Love StyleLeo in Venus can make the most dramatic and larger than life romantic gestures! If finances allow, they can hire a whole cinema or restaurant just for your date! They can be very generous with presents and lavish the partner with compliments, but you need to give the same back! Stinginess, coldness and aloofness puts them off. Shower them also with compliments, impress them with romantic gestures! Look your best-sexy, bright and bold! They like to have the best of all like all Kings (Leo) so they would love to show you off and feel proud with you! Respond affectionately and warmly to their gestures- do not leave them guessing as to your appreciation! When they like someone they will try and ...
Character Astrology
Mercury in Leo. Thinking and SkillsThese people express their opinions with confidence or at least with the appearance of confidence. They can be good at bluffing. Pride can be the biggest impeding to learning as it can be so hard to the Mercury in Leo person to admit their ignorance in the first place. Learning often requires starting from the bottom and this may not come so easily to this potentially know-it-all type. There can be an ability to express information with color, fun and drama, so they can be great story tellers or people to have at party! An audience can bring out the orator and dinner party speaker. They have usually a very good sense of humor! Typically while being more subjective in their views, these people ...
Mercury in Leo. Thinking and Skills
Mars in Cancer. Energy and Sex Style
Character Astrology
Mars in Cancer. Energy and Sex StyleThis person is rarely capable of direct confrontation or physical actions. Here the energy of Mars is really weakened and less available (unless Mars is in the 1st or 10th house- becoming very strong). One is not capable of doing physical feats or hard work and does not like such kind of activities. When a critical situation comes up, the first reaction of this person will be to hide, so he can have a time to think and prepare how to act. One needs time and finds surprises unpleasant. Mars in Cancer person is maximally effective only in very familiar environments and situations. His main motivation for action is when he/she is pressed by the wall and have no other option. Then one is capable ...
Character Astrology
Venus in Cancer. Love StyleThis is one deeply loyal person in love. Cancer Venus women and men tend to be more cautious in love because they experience attachments very intensely and when a relationship hurts them, it takes them forever to recover! Impressions from past relationships can haunt them for years before they can move on! So Cancer Venus prefers to hide their feelings initially and act carefully before they give their heart away- it is their way of protecting themselves, but once these people open their hearts, they can mate for life! They feel almost psychically the needs of the partner and are very caring and even parental towards the partner (if a woman, she can become motherly, if a man, he will prefer ...
Venus in Cancer. Love Style
Mercury in Cancer. Your Thinking and Skills
Character Astrology
Mercury in Cancer. Your Thinking and SkillsThere can be a liking for recording information or a need to do so. Thus, it is an excellent placement for the diarist or the curator. This may be the person who records lectures, because there can be a need to be able to play things back, to be able to replay the past, to go back over things. Often there will be interest in history. Memory and touch may go together and some people may like feeling things with their hands. Often this combination makes good writers, because they are skilled at expressing in written form subtle emotional states and impressions. But details and facts are not their forte. There can be tendency to judge information subjectively rather than objectively and their emotional ...
Character Astrology
Mars in Gemini. Energy and Sex StyleMars is extremely flexible here and avoids all kinds of conflicts, especially the physical ones. One does not exhibit physical roughness or aggressiveness, only verbal ones on occasions. The strength and power of Aries or Taurus is missing here, but one has a graceful agility of switching effortlessly from one activity to another. Wherever constant adaptation, change and rearrangement of different types of engagements is needed, one with Mars in Gemini can deal excellently in these situations. In the love sphere, we cannot expect some big fireworks. Mars in Gemini people do not put physical contact at the top of their list. If you need one intelligent and delicate courting, from a gentler partner ...
Mars in Gemini. Energy and Sex Style
Venus in Gemini. Your Love Style
Character Astrology
Venus in Gemini. Your Love StyleThese are the social butterflies! They love variety and mental stimulation. If you want to keep them interested you need to be a great conversationalist, tell them new and fresh news and information, be witty and funny. The easiest way to lose them is to show too much emotionalism and personal involvement early on! Keep it light and breezy and the Gemini Venus person will love spending time with you! You will need to learn to make love to their mind first! Phone sex, erotic texts, emails, internet sex, etc is straight up their alley! Gemini is a very youthful sign, so those people tend to prefer younger looking partners who are versatile and in touch with fashion and the latest trends! Fresh ...
Character Astrology
Mercury in Gemini. Your Thinking and SkillsHere in the sign of its rulership Mercury is strongly placed, implying an agile mind and one open to new ideas and experimentation. What the individual may lack in conviction and staying power can be more than compensated for by verbal and mental dexterity. Opinions will be less swayed by moral bias and more influenced by facts. Curious and easily bored, this individual has the capacity to process a great deal of stimuli at the same time. They can multitask. Typically the individual will be a great talker and always on the go, dashing from A to B, thinking on their feet and talking with their hands. This will be the person who will read anything and listen to anybody. There is a need to sample ...
Mercury in Gemini. Your Thinking and Skills
Venus in Taurus. Your Love Style
Character Astrology
Venus in Taurus. Your Love StyleThese are some of the most loyal people! They take awhile to warm up to you, but once they do, their affections are stable and secure. They love the routine and predictability of a long term relationship and would rarely risk it for a some random affair. If they ever cheat, this is usually because a lack of deeper intimacy and especially physical contact like cuddling caressing, sensual love making. Taurus Venus people have powerful need for tangible expression and presence of affection. Long distance relationships where the partner is absent physically or travels a lot, are very painful for them. If you want to court a Venus in Taurus person, take them to a nice restaurant, walk in a beautiful ...
Character Astrology
Mars in Taurus. Your Energy and Sex StyleMars in Taurus has a good amount of energy but it is fully controlled, there is no impulsiveness, or super reactivity, the energy is balanced, it grows and decreases gradually. This can be pleasant but also shows that the person does not have a good adaptability or an appropriate reaction in critical situations. In peaceful times, this is good, because the environment requires a calm and reasonable application of the energy and force, but in times of fight, when one needs to protect themselves, the Mars in Taurus people will not doing it so well, they will need a period of preparation in advance and longer time for reaction. The sexual desires are present and powerful enough, but very controlled ...
Mars in Taurus. Your Energy and Sex Style
Mercury in Taurus. Your Thinking and Skills
Character Astrology
Mercury in Taurus. Your Thinking and SkillsClear, step-by-step learning or teaching can be a feature. There can be a talent for expressing things with simplicity, a gift for conveying information to others in a steady, keep-it-simple, building-blocks way. There is often a liking for information to be presented as visually or logically as possible. There often is an interest and skills in the arts. There can also be a tendency to think about material considerations and financial security a good deal. There can be many comings and goings to do with property and land. A pleasant voice is the norm, especially if Venus is also in Taurus! Also the person will have a kind manner of communicating. There can be slowness over decision making and ...
Character Astrology
Venus in Aries Love StyleThese people need excitement and even drama in their relationships in order to stay interested. Actually arguments and obstacles are what can motivate them to persist with a relationship. When everything is too routine and peaceful, they would be more likely to stray or at least will subconsciously create some more extreme situation. They can fall in love very fast and passionately and even go to bed without too much time for assessment. Hence they have to learn to be more patient when jumping into relationship and not look only for the excitement of the moment because their affections are also very changeable and burn out quickly and powerfully! Often their impulsive relationship choices, get ...
Venus in Aries Love Style
Mars in Aries. Your Energy and Sex Style
Character Astrology
Mars in Aries. Your Energy and Sex StyleThe power of Mars is expressed in its purest vibration in this sign. Life is seen as a battle, the overcoming of difficulties and solving problems is one of the favorite activities of these people (unless Mars is with the Sun or Saturn, which will make one frustrated when dealing with Mars situations). One is always ready for tackling challenges and thrives on these. The physical energy is strong and powerful, which can give a wonderful health and ability to overcome illness. The sex drive is strong and burning and is displayed in a really direct manner in front of the world and the love interest. Everything is perceived in black and white- there is no half tones- one is either friend of enemy ...
Character Astrology
Mercury in Aries. Thinking and SkillsAries rules the head so these people usually have many new ideas and will come up for you with a few in a matter of seconds. It can be said that their "head is on fire". Aries Mercury people learn fast and have logical thinking but can often overlook details. Their heads can be so full of thoughts and ideas that they can find it hard resting or falling asleep! Some sort of meditation or unwinding down is needed for them before bed. Other people will inevitably feel rather slow to the Mercury in Aries person who likes to get to the point quickly and without needless circumnavigation. This is especially the case if the Sun is also placed in Aries. This is a direct, quick-thinking, fast talking ...
Mercury in Aries. Thinking and Skills
Planets in the 29th Degree in the Horoscope. Fated Life
Character Astrology
Planets in the 29th Degree in the Horoscope. Fated LifeIf you happen to have a planet in the 29th degree of a sign(the last degree) this means that in this incarnation you are completing some important phase in regards to this planet-you are bringing to conclusion something started in a past life, so the events of this planet will be more fated and predetermined(because of your past life actions).   For example if you have Venus-the planet of Love, at 29 degrees, this indicates that you might be completing some important relationship started from a past life, or shifting from one mode of perceiving and doing relationships to another-a kind of quantum leap in regards to interpersonal partnerships and social graces. But because this life is a transitory ...
Character Astrology
How the 12 Ascendants Start NEW BEGINNINGS In LIFE1. ARIES Rising: Speedly. They do not waste time thinking through all steps, but as soon as they get the impulse, they go for it. They should not wait, because if they loose the freshness of excitement, they will not do it 2. TAURUS Rising: Slowly. They resist a new phase until the pressure from outside becomes noticeable. Once they really they can no longer put it off, they proceed with power and persistence. 3. GEMINI Rising: Informedly. they first play with the idea, then start researching and trying to learn all the facts, plan out strategies, then proceed to experiment 4. CANCER Rising: Tentatively, with hesitation. They first get a feeling that they have to start something new. They ...
How the 12 Ascendants Start NEW BEGINNINGS In LIFE
How To Balance Your Feelings and Overcome Addictions. Astrology Indications
Character Astrology
How To Balance Your Feelings and Overcome Addictions. Astrology IndicationsThis is clearly indicated by the position of the Moon in your horoscope and the house cusp which falls in Cancer(the sign the Moon rules). Both Cancer and the Moon show the most vulnerable and sensitive part of our make up, the one, which is like a naked nerve, most susceptible to the blows of the environment. The area of life which makes our stomach go in a tight knot, if something be not as we want, and which if repeatedly triggered in a negative way, will lead to psychosomatic health problems or self soothing in the form of addictions. These 2 positions show not only the problem, but also the solution and answer to our happiness. (as they say: the antidote, is in the poison!). Learning to ...
Character Astrology
The Loners. Astrology IndicationsDo you feel at moments like you cannot connect to others on a joyful level all the time. Sometimes you just observe others at a party chatting, being interested, excited, while you are standing in the corner, wondering why you can't feel this proximity or worse -even remote interest in what they say. Yes, maybe a few drinks will get you there, but just for a few hours and you know it is not real anyway. Why can't you feel part of it all? In some cases you might just not want to be part of it all, anyway, you find it meaningless and superficial. We will explore here what indicates such proclivities in one's character or fate. Loners or those who isolate a lot are not all the same breed! Each ...
The Loners. Astrology Indications
What is the Ascendant Sign in Astrology?
Character Astrology
What is the Ascendant Sign in Astrology? Did you know that the Ascendant sign the most personal one! And yes, it is not the same as your Sun sign. The Sun sign, is the one everyone knows-it shows the position of the Sun at the time of your birth-if you are born in April your Sun is either in Aries or Taurus etc. The Ascendant is the actually the zodiac sign of the Earth!! We do live on Earth, after all! This is the zodiac sign which rises on the Eastern Horizon the minute we are born! The sign which rises on the Eastern horizon changes once every 1-2 hours, because of the rotation of our Earth on its Axis. So the Ascendant sign is the fastest changing one, while the Sun sign changes once a month, the Moon sign changes every ...
Character Astrology
Unhealthy Beliefs of the 12 Astrology Signs.Aries: "Life is a Competition" Actually life is way more supportive of you, if you try and cooperate with others than compete with them. Taurus: "Money =self worth and power" Actually real power and self worth only come from within. Gemini: "I am my thoughts" Actually thoughts are just like ants marching across a picnic blanket. Most thoughts are not even ours. Cancer: "I need you to love me to be happy" Wrong- happiness comes from within, not without! Leo: "The strongest, most gifted and fittest only make it" Actually the most adaptable make it! Virgo: "Resources are scarce." Actually the Universe is abundant. The level of consciousness determined the ability to access this abundance ...
Unhealthy Beliefs of the 12 Astrology Signs.
How Each Sign Likes to Relax on Sunday
Character Astrology
How Each Sign Likes to Relax on SundayThe Sign of the Moon shows how we relax and what brings us comfort and a sense of content. The Moon sign shows how we are at home- at our most natural and easy going state and what nourishes our soul. To find out your Moon sign click on the birth chart calculator and check the Moon sign in the Planetary Detail Table as shown here: Let us look at all the 12 Moon signs.   ARIES Being a Mars ruled sign- most Aries Moon people say they prefer to relax actively. Some move furniture around, fix things at home, others, listen to more invigorating music, dance, work out, do sports with friends, go for rides in the car. Many Aries Moon people mention they love the sunlight and being on the beach ...
Character Astrology
3Types of Psychic Powers: Pluto, Neptune and UranusThese 3 outer planets are responsible for what we call psychic powers. If you have any of these close to one of the angles(Asc, MC, Desc or IC) or in a tight aspect with personal planets or if you have more planets in their signs: Scorpio, Pisces or Aquarius, then you can develop this specific psychic and extra sensory ability the easiest. Pluto is a penetrating planet- it can give x-ray vision, telekinesis (moving objects with mind) healing abilities, abilities to regress to past lives (one self or others) retrieve and heal memories from buries trauma (past or present lives) and medium abilities: ghost channeling, communicating with the dead. If your pluto is well aspects (trine sextiles, conjunctions) ...
3Types of Psychic Powers: Pluto, Neptune and Uranus
How to Start the Day According to Your Rsing Sign
Character Astrology
How to Start the Day According to Your Rsing SignAstrological practice has proved that following the activities typical of one's Ascendant sign, will get the person getting on the right foot and help him be more fulfilled. Why is the ascendant sign looked at- because it is the Eastern Horizon, the point where the Sun rises and the day begins, it indicates how we approach everything new--respectively every new day, every new beginning. If we follow and do the indications of our Ascendant sign, first thing in the morning then, we will flow with our ingrained nature and biological cycles and thus be happier and more productive. Remember check your Ascendant sign only--not the Sun.... This energy will be active for you when you first wake up and ...
Character Astrology
How to Attract Wealth According to your Astrology SignARIES and WEALTH In order to attract Abundance Aries should learn to be pragmatic and APPRECIATIVE of material resources. Taurus rules their money house, so they should cultivate Taurus qualities in order to attract wealth: utilitarian, nurturing, practical and steady approach to money. They can make lots of Money this way! They should strife for an organic and gradual amassments of money and not get rich quick schemes. But Goddess Venus is protecting their finances, so usually many Aries Sun or Ascendant people are successful financially.Taurus is the sign of self sufficiency, so Aries best approach to money is to make their own rather than rely on support from others. The more financially ...
How to Attract Wealth According to your Astrology Sign
Fixed Stars in the Horoscope
Character Astrology
Fixed Stars in the HoroscopeAll poeple of importance and special influence in the history of humany have promiment fixed stars in their horoscopes. In this article, I give you the meaning of some of the more important fixed stars(there are many more) and how to see if you have these affect you! The material for this article is taken from Trifon Nikolov's Course on the Fixed stars and how they affect your personal Horoscope and Fate. To check or order this course: Fixed stars are very important because they connect the life of the native to more powerful energies and cosmic powers. Some of these might be destructive others ...
Character Astrology
Poisonous and Obsessive Influence in Your Horoscope. North Node in HousesRahu- or the North node of the horoscope is the Demon planet where we meet our more insatiable and darker side. It rules foreign unusual elements, poisons, toxic things, addictions and obsessions. These are just some of the more negative influence of Rahu, which rules also many positive things like medicinal drugs Great leaps of success in life (questionably positive some may say) for the purpose of this article we will take a look only at the more toxic and foreign manifestations of Rahu. First you need to find what house your Rahu is in. Click here for the birth chart calculator- for this you need to know your correct time of birth. For example in the Chart below Rahu (Ra) is showing as being ...
Poisonous and Obsessive Influence in Your Horoscope. North Node in Houses
Astrology Indications for Addictions
Character Astrology
Astrology Indications for AddictionsThere are almost as many addictions, as there are people in the world. Everyone has a little something that he turns to for comfort in moments of emotional dis-balance. The more aware and experienced individuals will have healthier addictions, after having gone through the destructive ones (maybe in past lives), they might be addicted to sport, meditating, or reading, but these are not the people I am interested in. I have been looking at the charts of people who turn to more hard-core practices: alcohol, drugs, junk food, extreme sex. Sure enough they all have similar underlining theme going on in their horoscope. It is almost always their Moon which is affected adversely by the heavier planets—Saturn ...
Character Astrology
Universal BeautyAccording to most astrologers the physical appearance is mostly influenced by the Ascendant, the planets closely situated around it and aspecting it and to a lesser degree by the sign position of the Moon (especially for women) and Sun. The Ascendant is the sign that rises on the eastern horizon at the precise time of your birth- it is the point where the Heavens touch the Earth- so it will influence your most physically noticeable expression- the appearance and how we present ourselves to the world. The most common significator of universal attractiveness is the planet Venus- the goddess of Beauty, grace and love- known in astrology as the lesser benefic, so the first thing we look for in the ...
Universal Beauty