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Venus in Libra. Love Style

Venus in Libra. Love Style
This is a great position for Venus. This gives a subtle and refind sense of beauty and gentle approach to romancing. Love interest is usually triggered by more mental and social stimulation than by raw sexual attraction only. Anything vulgar, too extreme or unorthodox can put them off a partner. He or she should be socially acceptable and graceful with classical tastes and demeanor or else the venus in libra person will not consider long term commitment. The libra venus native is usually also very likable, kind and charming with fair treatment of others. They need relationships which are equally balanced and no one domineers over the other nor has more responsibilities. Equal involvement from the partner is of paramount importance to them or else they will not stay too long in the partership. Men with this position tend to date and marry classically beautiful women with a lot of social charm. While women with this position portray this image themselves.

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