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Mishele Pleiades Rising

Mishele Pleiades Rising Astrologer

Astro-Numerologist & Reiki Master
My name is Mishele Pleiades Rising.
I am an Astro-Numerologist & Reiki Master. I rise with the Pleiades, Leo Sun and Sagittarius Moon.
Growing up in Colorado I admired the night sky and developed an interest in the Metaphysical realm.
My passion started with Tarot cards and that led me to Numerology. While studying Astro-Numerology I was researching the meaning of 22° when I discovered the late prolific Astrologer Nikola Stojanovic.
After my first reading I studied with him one on one for several years and we became great friends.
My goal is identifying what is blocking your Life and giving you Remedies.
I believe that Astrology & Numerology can help individuals understand their lives phases and cycles.
By empowering people to integrate their distinctive natal energy to their highest good.
Consequently, they can master their life and divine mission with ease.

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me.

Here are my services

Remedy Reading - 1 hour Zoom or Recorded $177

This is a 45-60 min Live reading via Zoom. The first part of the Reading I will check whether your Current Name is Fortunate or Challenging. Your name has a powerful invisible force that has a big influence on all areas of your life. It has a specific frequency that is either supporting or making your life difficult. Which ultimately leads to how successful or challenging your life will be. If it is challenging I will help come up with Two Fortunate spellings for you. By simply adding or removing a letter it will shift your energetic vibration. Next I will analyze your Home address and offer Remedies if needed.      I will then analyze your Birth chart and give you Remedies for one to two areas of Life.  After purchasing email the following information to Full Name on Birth Certificate Date of Birth Time of Birth Place of Birth  The spelling of your Current Name  Home address 

30 Min Crystal Remedies $98

During this 30 minute reading I will give your Remedies for your Birth chart and transits. After purchasing email the following information to   Date of Birth, Time & Place of Birth

Current Name Analysis $78

Your Current Name has a powerful invisible force that has a Big influence on all areas of your life. It has a specific frequency that is either supporting you or making your Life difficult. Which ultimately leads to how Successful or Challenging your life will be.  You have the power to choose your Current name so why not make sure it's Fortunate?    This is a live 30 minute Zoom meeting where I will analyze your Current name. If it is unfortunate I will give you two different options with different spellings. By simply adding or removing a letter it will shift your energetic vibration. Once you incorporate the new spelling of your name you will feel a shift. Things that were once obstacles will now run smoothly. Your life will flow and new opportunities will appear.        After purchasing email the following information to Full Name on Birth Certificate Date of Birth Time of Birth  The spelling of your Current Name or names you are currently using  Address 

Business Analysis $123

s your Business Successful and running smoothly? Do you have a lot of challenges or difficulties?                        The name of your Business has a powerful invisible force that can show how Successful or Challenging it will be. It has a specific frequency that is either supporting you or making things difficult.          This is a Live 45 minute Zoom Meeting where I will tell you if your Business name is Fortunate. If it is Unfortunate I will give you at least two Fortunate spelling options and you can choose which resonates with you. By simply removing a letter or adding one it will shift the energetic vibration of your Business. When you change the name you will see your Business flowing effortlessly. I will also ensure that your email, website, Physical address, product names and slogans all resonate to a Fortunate number. So your Business can emit a highly Positive Vibration and generate Abundance!     After purchasing email the following information to  Current Business name  Or help with your New Business Name  (Email options if you have not formed your Business yet) Physical Address of Business  Website name Business Email  All Product names you currently have Product names you are thinking about using  Any Slogans you are using

or just say hi

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