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Combust and Invisible planets: gateways to Heaven. Mission in your Life
Planets in Aspects
Combust and Invisible planets: gateways to Heaven. Mission in your LifeOne of the most often asked question I hear is what does having a combust planet mean? Am I DOOMED?   A combust or invisible planet is when it is too close to the natal Sun, so it not visible with the naked eye. Old texts had little good to say about such positions, they would call it a planet weak, unable to manifest.   But it is truly so? Actually a combust planet can still function but not independently. It has to do the agenda of the Sun. It is like being in the presence of the King, you can be brilliant at something on your own but you have to offer your talents to the King’s bidding.   The Sun represents our Highest goals, often personified in our career and goals. For example: if ...
Planets in Aspects
Aspects in Astrology and their Deep MeaningDid you know that each aspect in astrology has the nature of one of the 12 signs! The more of one type of aspect you have the more you will exhibit the qualities of that sign! You always count the aspect starting with the slower moving planet For example: a right trine (120 degrees counterclockwise) will give the qualities of Leo (the 5th sign which is 120 from Aries).  A Left trine (120 degrees clockwise) will give the qualities of Sagittarius.  For example Moon at 5 Virgo, and Neptune at 8 Capricorn is a left trine and carried the nature of Sagittarius (we count from Neptune to the Moon). Lets look at all the aspects. Someone who has mostly conjunctions will carry the nature of Aries ...
Aspects in Astrology and their Deep Meaning
Astrology Remedies for Problems In Your Life.
Planets in Aspects
Astrology Remedies for Problems In Your Life.If your Sun is afflicted: then you have low vitality, immune system issues, problems with authority figures or being too bossy, low self esteem, career problems. To sooth and remedy the Sun the best practices are: Homeopathy, greeting the Sun in the morning, wearing gold, eating more yellow/orange fruits and wearing such colors. If your Moon is Afflicted: you have psychological issues-depressions, bi polar tendencies, ups and downs in emotions, sadness, poor self-image, lack of well-being overall, issues with women, problems with stomach, breasts, water retention, blood impurities. To sooth and Remedy the Moon: eat green leafy salads, moist watery vegetables, drink more water. Psychotherapy ...
Planets in Aspects
Saturn conjunct Moon in the Horoscope. IIOften Saturn Moon people might have an emotional reality of lack of support, heavy guilt, feelings of being overburdened etc. Their main caretaker in early age(usually mother) gave them somewhat conditional love dependant on the level of performance of the child or its abidance of rules and not on the intrinsic spiritual worth of the child. This conditional type of love continues to affect them in adult years and they feel they need to overdo, over compensate or tick certain boxes, in order to deserve love. Great frustration in the attempt to gain pure and unconditional love. One holds a core emotional expectation, based on early life experience, that one cannot realistically expect deep, unconditional ...
Saturn conjunct Moon in the Horoscope. II
Stellium of 4 or More Planets. The Pioneers
Planets in Aspects
Stellium of 4 or More Planets. The PioneersYou can find out if you have this by checking your birth chart here, and noticing if there are 4 or more planets in the same sign, like below. (excluding Rahu/Ketu—which are not planets, but points.  This is a very rare and unique phenomenon when a few planetary bodies come together in the sky! Astrologers and prophets from times immemorial have given such configurations huge importance! When so many planets congregate together, usually this is a sign of big changes in the world, which will unfold over the following years. These are caused by a quantum shift of the mass consciousness of humans and within months or years it triggers the ensuing outer events as well! What happens when we ...
Planets in Aspects
Sun Jupiter Aspect. Combust Jupiter in the Birth ChartLets us first find out if you have this aspect in your horoscope. Go to my Birth chart Calculator and check the aspect table. If you see the letter Y where Jupiter and Sun intersect, then it means you have these together-conjunct. You have a combust Jupiter. If you have any number from 1 to 60 where Sun intersests Jupiter and where Jupiter intersects the Sun, then you have an aspect. Anything above 40 points is considered a strong aspect. The planets on top are the aspected ones, the ones horizontally, the aspecting. Let us fist talk about the conjunction-it means that when you were born, the Sun and Jupiter were very close together, but any planet or star in the vicinity of the Sun, becomes ...
Sun Jupiter Aspect. Combust Jupiter in the Birth Chart
Mars Sun Aspect. Combust Mars
Planets in Aspects
Mars Sun Aspect. Combust MarsTo find out if you have Mars and the Sun conjunct check in the Birth Chart calculator if you see Su and Ma together in the same square or triangle(zodiac sign). To find out if you have an aspect between these two planets check the aspect table on the side of the birth chart. Anything above 30 points in aspect will be felt strongly. This is a very fiery combination! The two most masculine planets coming together by conjunction of a strong aspect will make the person more proactive and action oriented. A woman with this position will have more masculine qualities like initiative, courage and go getting attitude. Sitting without anything to do, any task to work on or any project to focus on, can ...
Planets in Aspects
Sun Conjunct Mercury. Combust MercuryTo find out if you have Mercury together with the Sun in your Horoscope go to my Birth Chart Calculator and see if Me and Su are together in the same Square or Triangle (sign) as shown below. More than 30 percent of humans have this combination in their birth horoscope. But there are some differences between them depending if Mercury is moving forwards or retrograding in the horoscope. Any planet which is in the same sign as the Sun, becomes “agitated”. Mercury is one’s ability to articulate verbally, communicate and make requests. When with the Sun, usually there was some powerful authority figure in the life of the person, who disrespected their requests and usually interrupted ...
Sun Conjunct Mercury. Combust Mercury
Sun Conjunct Venus. Combust Venus
Planets in Aspects
Sun Conjunct Venus. Combust VenusWhen one is born when the Sun is close Venus then we say that this person has a combust Venus. The powerful energy of the Sun burns and agitates any planet it is in close proximity with. Often these people will have more turbulent love lives with the need to make sacrifices in this area of life. In most cases the sacrifice of love is because of career or other personal goals or ideals represented by the Sun. Even though this position can be painful when it comes to relationships and is observed to cause stronger likelihood of divorces/separations, the ultimate purpose of the Sun is to spiritualize and purify the influence of any planet it is with: in this case the sensual side of the person(Venus) ...
Planets in Aspects
Moon with Rahu in the HoroscopeIt is a position which can lead in some cases to mental illness or extreme emotional states caused by the highly psychic and sensitive nature of the person which borders on volatile. Rahu-is a powerful psychic and astral influence and when with the Moon which is one’s perception of reality, one can become like a psychic sponge and gate for foreign outside influence. One can easily absorb the undercurrents in any room and get sudden emotional states. Often such a person will be impressionable and can fall easily victim to predatory, unhealthy or toxic people and environments, therefore it is very important that such a person choose their environment with utmost awareness and strive for the ...
Moon with Rahu in the Horoscope
Moon with Jupiter in the Birth Chart. Moon Conjunct Jupiter
Planets in Aspects
Moon with Jupiter in the Birth Chart. Moon Conjunct JupiterTo find out if your have Jupiter conjunct Moon in the Horoscope, click to my birth chart calculator and check if you can see Ju and Mo together in the same sign(square or triangle), like on the picture below. This is a great combination of planets to have in the same sign or even in opposition, fully aspecting each other! Both planets are mutual friends and help each other’s agenda, so in most cases the person with this conjunction will feel blessed with the things Jupiter and the Moon rule(unless a powerful malefic like Saturn is part of the conjunction starving their experience). The Moon indicates one’s predominant inner state. What is one’s main concept of reality and how one perceives ...
Planets in Aspects
Moon with Mercury. Moon conjunct MercuryPositive effects of Moon Mercury conjunction or opposition Mercury is a friend of the Moon and helps it. The Moon represent the emotional adaptability of a person and how quickly and easily one feels comfortable and natural in any environment. If the Moon is helped by its friend Mercury, this makes often for a very happy and emotionally well adapted person.(unless Saturn or the Sun are also in the same sign as Moon and Mercury, then this will not be so). Such a person will find it much easier to stand on their feet in a new situation and feel at home there(Moon) because they use the skills of Mercury to achieve this. Mercury is the ability to examine different options, experiment, research ...
Moon with Mercury. Moon conjunct Mercury
Moon conjunct Venus in the Birth Chart
Planets in Aspects
Moon conjunct Venus in the Birth ChartTo find our if you have Moon and Venus in the same sign in your horoscope click on the birth chart calculator and see if Mo and Ve are together in the same sector(triangle or square). Modern astrology takes into consideration only conjunctions which are within 10-12 degrees, but actually ancient sources, tell us that our ancestors regarded any planets in the same sign as being in conjunction even if they were 29 degrees apart. The Moon shows one’s most natural behaviors and what one is most comfortable with and used to. When the Moon is with Venus, the planet of balance and ease, (given that there are no difficult planets also there like Saturn, Rahu or Mars or aspecting strongly) then the ...
Planets in Aspects
Saturn Conjunct Moon in the Birth ChartTo find out of you have Saturn with the Moon in your birth chart click here for the birth chart calculator and check if you have Sa and Mo in the same sector (Zodiac Sign) of the chart as indicated on the natal chart below. Any planet which is conjunct Saturn is starved. The Moon is the emotional happiness and balance of the person. When Saturn starves it, then often such a person is emotionally starved. They will usually have difficulty showing their feelings and affections to others, they might even feel disconnected from what they feel, and this is often due to a childhood experience of less attention and affection. Maybe they were one of many children whom the mother(Moon) did not have much ...
Saturn Conjunct Moon in the Birth Chart
Sun with Moon in the Horoscope. Born on a New Moon!
Planets in Aspects
Sun with Moon in the Horoscope. Born on a New Moon!In order to find out if you have the Sun and Moon conjunct, go to my birth chart calculator here and check if you have Su and Mo together in the same sign (if they are together in the same square or traingle, it means they are in the same sign). When the Moon is in the same sign as the Sun, the person is born during a New Moon. This position has positive and negative sides. Every planet which is with the Sun is called combust. This planets becomes agitated and weakened by the powerful rays of the Sun. In case of the Moon, which rules one’s ability to feel emotionally content and safe, this comforting quality of the Moon is affected, so often such a person feels agitated, restless and more ...