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Who is your Karmic/ Secret Enemy?
Astrology of Relationships
Who is your Karmic/ Secret Enemy?The 12th house in astrology represents your secret enemies, people who can be nice to you at one moment but turn on you and backstab you in another, even without an obvious provocation.  If someone’s Sun, Moon, Rising or other personal planets fall in your 12th house, then he/she can undermine you in some way, slander you, do something behind your back, or just take more than give back. Like the woman with 12th house Libra who, whose husband has his Mars in Libra, in her 12th house and she discovered he had been doing some secretive sex activities behind her back. Or the Denist with Cancer in her 12th house, who found out that her business partner who is Cancer Rising and Sun, has been ...
Astrology of Relationships
How to Predict Marriages from the Moon sign!Many people write to me that when they listen to their Moon sign predictions, they find them most correct! Why is that?   The Moon was the most important planet in ancient astrology! We have forgotten its significance in modern times, overwhelmed with asteroids, newly discovered planets and so on!   But ancient astrologers would interpret your whole life just based on the Moon!   If you met someone 2000 years ago at a party, and you asked them what their sign was, they would tell your their Moon sign!   In fact vedic astrology still based most of the horoscope and life forecasts on the Moon’s sign and constellation.   They use the Moon as the start of your Horoscope! And especially after ...
How to Predict Marriages from the Moon sign!
Who Brings you GOOD and BAD Luck?
Astrology of Relationships
Who Brings you GOOD and BAD Luck?The astrology of who makes and who breaks us    It is so hard to sleep next to your baby when her Jupiter (inspiration) actives your MC (career)! Every time I sleep with her(my husband and I swap boy and girl nightly) I end up waking up with a download of new ideas about career. They are not only new, but BIG and BOLD. And now I am at a stage of my life and technology is developed enough,  where I can actually create them (they involve a lot of amazing free tools, guys). ....but this jupiterian excitement keeps me awake next to Mila for hours, picturing the details, savoring the imaginative final result and how much people can benefit from it!  I think high level, proper astrology ...
Astrology of Relationships
How the 12 Signs Fall In Love and Act in LoveEach zodiac sign contains within itself the other 11 Signs! And each of these 11 signs affects a different areas of the 1st signs' life! This is like dessecting the Signs and looking into what parts that make them what they are! For example the 5th sign from each Sign shows the love style of that sign! Let's take a look. Aries are known for being loud and showy in love, becoming highly entertaining and wanting to impress their chosen one in ostentatious ways! This is so since Leo-the showy sign falls in their 5th house of romance! Taurus people (Ascendant or sun) have Virgo there, so they are known for being practical and picky when it comes to romantic partners, always wanting the best quality ...
How the 12 Signs Fall In Love and Act in Love
The Most Passionate and Powerful Relationships of your Life
Astrology of Relationships
The Most Passionate and Powerful Relationships of your LifeEver have a relationship that completely changed your life by bringing out a side of you that you never knew existed? Pluto wants to penetrate and transform, and when you have Pluto contacts in a relationship, this can lead to intense passionate times. You will never be the same again! The person made you behave in ways you never thought possible, from emotional reactions, sexual attractions, and just out of the ordinary different! Chances are, there were Pluto aspects. If it is the moon it is emotions and vulnerability, the Sun, self esteem and expression and goals, the ascendant, the way you look at and approach life, and Venus, love and pleasure! I will leave out the other planets for now ...
Astrology of Relationships
Cancer in Relationships with the 12 SignsAnya-an astrologer with 35 years experience shares the secrets of Gemini men and women and what it is to be with them! To see Anya's services, click here: CANCER – This sign is deeply emotional. Those born under Cancer are usually very attached to their mothers and by extension, to their family, extended family, and their own country. Their loyalties always stay with those they grew up with, with Cancerians there’s no question about it. Many can be confused by Cancer’s seemingly tough, even unemotional demeanor, but remember, it’s symbol is the crab: inside the hard shell it shows to the outside world, is a emotional, sensitive person who dislikes conflict ...
Cancer in Relationships with the 12 Signs
Gemini in Relationship with Each Sign
Astrology of Relationships
Gemini in Relationship with Each SignAnya - an astrologer with 35 years experience shares the secrets of Gemini men and women and what it is to be such people. To see Anya's services, click here: GEMINI in a relationship can feel like you’re with two people at once. This sign’s symbol is the twins, and most Geminis are changeable from moment to moment, to the extent they may seem like two different people. This can be a good thing because you’ll never be bored, but if you want something steady and always dependable, Gemini might not be your match. With the air sign Gemini, expect good conversation, an inexhaustible quest for knowledge, quick intelligence, and questions, questions, questions… ...
Astrology of Relationships
Scorpio in Relationships with Each SignAnya is a Scorpio with 35 years of professional astrology experience! As such, she has an amazing insight into the nature of Scorpios and their relationships! Enjoy her in depth article and if you would to see her services, click here: SCORPIO – The sign Scorpio brings up both fascination and fear. Intense, passionate, resourceful are Scorpio traits, but the one thing most Scorpios really care about is to be in control of their own destiny. They are also trying to figure out the meaning of life in a very deep sense. For Scorpio, life is never superficial. To do this, they can try to control everything – and everyone around them, resulting in the common power issues ...
Scorpio in Relationships with Each Sign
How Uranus Turned my Life Upside Down and Set me FREE.
Astrology of Relationships
How Uranus Turned my Life Upside Down and Set me FREE. You have heard of stories where everything changes out of the blue-inside and out. These stories make us shiver, some with excitement and disbelief that such miracles happen only in movies, others with fear and horror that our own careful constructed lives can also crumble at the blink of an eye. This is the story of a client of mine-who went through a rare Uranus transit to her Sun and Venus-which lasted 2 years, and who experienced such sudden Uranian reversals in life. The story is initially daunting, then becomes, surprising and finally inspiring. “I was the envy of my friends-a career I loved, married to a successful and kind husband, a lovely grown up daughter, beautiful home, big ...
Astrology of Relationships
Easy Compatibility for BeginnersOne thing I learned from long astrology practice is not to complicate things and get back to basics! Comets, planetoids, asteroids, draconic and what else not will make your head spin and loose the essence of your chart in the many details! This is particularly valid in relationship compatibility! Here is an easy but extremely effective way to quickly check how compatible you are with someone on the core level. I use this simple technique daily in my practice and it proves to be way more insightful than other more sophisticated methods. First go to my Birth chart calculator, enter the details of the person and go to the planetary detail table where you will see the sign of each planet. Mark ...
Easy Compatibility for Beginners
Use Your Dominant Element to Find Out Compatibility
Astrology of Relationships
Use Your Dominant Element to Find Out CompatibilityAuthor: Anya Tikka. Anya Tikka is a wonderful astrologer and teacher and partner with Astrolada. If you would like a personal Horoscope or Relationship compatibility by Anya, click here to see her Services Astrologically, your dominant element has a lot to do with how you love. You can have deep emotions, live in your heart, head, initiate or procrastinate – or not. Although your Sun sign is always important, it’s not always the dominant element, because that depends on all the planets in your horoscope. Here’s a description of signs by element:   Fire: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Fire signs are initiatory, enthusiastic, and energetic, with leadership qualities, but they tend to burn ...
Astrology of Relationships
Karmic Relationships. North and South Node in Synastry. Rahu and Ketu in CompatibilityThe nodes of the Moon are the most misunderstood points in modern astrology and especially in compatibility. They were known as Rahu and Ketu in ancient Vedic culture and were considered as important as the visible stars and planets. They have such a profound and mystical energy! These are the points at which the Sun, Earth and Moon Align and cross each others' ecliptic. The nodes merge the energy of the 3 most important astrological factors! That's the reason they are said to be the purpose of every person incarnation. The are the “plot of the play”, while the other planets determine the “settings”. If you solve the tasks of Rahu and Ketu in the horoscope, we can say we have fulfilled ...
Karmic Relationships. North and South Node in Synastry. Rahu and Ketu in Compatibility
Marriage and Relationships in the Age of Aquarius. Why the Traditional Marriage is Falling Apart
Astrology of Relationships
Marriage and Relationships in the Age of Aquarius. Why the Traditional Marriage is Falling Apart The foundation of our culture-the family unit, has been progressively falling apart for the last 50-60 years! Whooping 50% to 60% of marriages end in divorce, every second child is raised by a single parent! This is an unprecedented development in the history of human civilization! What the deuce is going on? Are we getting worse at relationships? Are there no longer good devoted faithful partners around or is something bigger than us happening and leading us in this direction? You will be surprised and maybe relieved to hear the spiritual reason behind this growing trend! It is not all our fault that we cannot stick it in marriage the old way! We are on the verge of 2 changing cosmic eras ...
Astrology of Relationships
The Relationship Problems of Scorpio Let;s examine the houses ruled by Venus-the planet of relationships, from Scorpio(Ascendant, Sun or Moon). Venus is the ruler of the 7th and 12th sign from Scorpio, combining the meaning of relationships with the meaning of the 7th and 12th houses. Translated: Scorpio;s relationships are often with the purpose of not just sex, but a deeper commitment(7th-marriage, commitment). That is why Scorpios do not like superficial relationships! This is the good news! The bad news is that Venus (love) is also the lord of their 12th house-which rules secrets and affairs(at the lower level)! Scorpio people, albeit inclined to committed and long lasting relationships(7th), can also be tempted into ...
The Relationship Problems of Scorpio
Aries Relationship Problems
Astrology of Relationships
Aries Relationship ProblemsThe most common problems in love for Aries come from the impulsive and desire driven nature of Aries. Relationships need objectivity and balance, but Aries is all about the hot passion of the moment. Lust and infatuation is often confused for love and leads many Aries to hasty commitments and relationship choices before having really gotten to know the partner and established the level of compatibility. Because the desire of the moment is very potent for Aries, they often "jump without looking", proclaim their devotion and passion early on and sweep their love interest. But Aries feelings are desire driven, so they burn bright and fast like a shooting star! Desires expire quickly once they are ...
Astrology of Relationships
The Relationships Troubles of SagittariusSagittarius Rising and to a lesser degree Sagittarius Sun or Moon people are prone to more difficulties in relationships. You have heard many people say how hard it is to keep a smooth relationship with a Sagittarius(especially Sag Ascendant ppl). Modern astrologers say this is due to the adventurous nature of Saggies, their need for freedom, etc. But this is not the reason. Sagittarius is prone to difficulties in love because Venus-the planet of equal relationships rules the problematic 6th house/sign from Sagittarius. 6th house rules inequality, arguments, conflicts, enmity. Merging the meaning of this with Venus, we see why the relationships of Sagittarius go through a fair share of such ...
The Relationships Troubles of Sagittarius
Taurus Relationship Choices and Problems
Astrology of Relationships
Taurus Relationship Choices and ProblemsIf you have Taurus Ascendant, to a lesser degree Sun or Moon, then the house of partnerships and marriage becomes the opposite sign- Scorpio for you. This does not mean you should marry a Scorpio person, but you will surely keep attracting relationships that have Scorpio qualities. The partner or marriage is usually sexual, competitive with powerful fleshly sensuality. Conflict often emerges in the marriage because Mars- the god of War rules their relationships. In extreme cases the relationship can be abusive (Scorpio) or dangerous in some way, but this is only if Mars is in a really poor shape in the horoscope. Usually it is more of a psychological power struggle for domination or some kind ...
Astrology of Relationships
The Plight of Aquarius in RelationshipsMany people complain that they find it had to make a relationship with Aquarius person(especially Aquarius Ascendant) work. This is due to the fact that for Aquarius rising, Leo- rules their relationships. Wherever Leo is, we tend to idealise, want the nobles, the highest! When Leo is in the relationship house, then the Aquarius native will idolize a perfectionist concept of marriage and deify the human partner. They become quickly enamoured with the "star qualities" of the Other, and tend to rush into commitment, blinded by the light of the partner's apparent charisma, only to find out rather quickly that the partner is indeed merely human. This can lead to jumping from relationship to relationship ...
The Plight of Aquarius in Relationships
The Happiest and Longest Relationships. Astrology Indications.
Astrology of Relationships
The Happiest and Longest Relationships. Astrology Indications.The Sun Ascendant or Moon of the one partner, should be in the same sign or opposite sign of any of the other partner's Sun, Moon or Ascendant. The most often seen aspect looked to be the Sun of one in the same sign as the Ascendant or Moon of the other-this is like a soul mate connection which is hard to break! But any of the following acts like a glue in the relationship and makes the couple stay together: Sun of one in the same sign as the Sun of the other-1 point Sun of one in the opposite sign from the Sun of the other-1 point Sun of one in the same sign as the Moon of the other-1 point Sun of one in the opposite sign as the Moon of the other-1 point Sun of one in the same sign as the ...
Astrology of Relationships
Clash of Energies in Relationships. Astrology TipAstrology looks to different elements that make up the basic energies of nature, and therefore our bodies and minds. People fall into different body/mind typings called "doshas." There are three primary doshas: Kapha or "watery," Pitta or "fiery," and Vata or "windy." The three different doshas are associated with distinct emotional and health issues. And these in turn affect profoundly how we act in relationships. The 27 different Moon Mansions (sub-signs called "nakshatras") are associated with these elemental energies. And the energy of your Moon nakshatra is the most significant in terms of how you are emotionally. One of the most critical things between you and a man in terms of your compatibility ...
Clash of Energies in Relationships. Astrology Tip
Venus in Signs
Astrology of Relationships
Venus in Signs One of the top 10 astrologers in the world- Tzvetemira Borisova. My teacher and Mentor! Cilck here to see her services Psychological meaning of Venus: How we love, what extend we need love to, how we express love, will we be desired by others, will we be beautiful, charming, magnetic, what do we appreciate and like in relationships Events of Venus: Will we receive what we want from our relationships? Will we have more easy and happy events in life? How smoothly will we deal with life? To find out what sign your Venus is in click here (time of birth not crucial) Venus in Aries The Native cannot control their feelings. If they want something, they have to have it now and at any cost, so they ...
Astrology of Relationships
Venus in the Horoscope Part 1 Venus is the planet which shows to what extent, the follow themes will be fulfilled in your life: Harmony, beauty, love, emotions and their expression, sensuality, gentleness, kindness, esthetic values, ethics, arts, all ways of bringing and experiencing pleasure , our ability to enjoy life, femininity, our attitude to all women, partnerships and love relationships. Venus shows what bring you pleasure and to what extent your desires will be fulfilled in your life. The ability to charm and win others on our side and to magnetically attract and keep the others is also judged by the condition of Venus. Venus shows how much will love be present to in our life and in what ways is, If we will have ...
Venus in the Horoscope Part 1
Late Bloomers in Love
Astrology of Relationships
Late Bloomers in Love Some people(more then 40% of Humanity) are not meant to be in settled relationships till later in life, if they marry or try to settle before that they end up unhappy, burdened or heart broken. Some of these can even get a bad boy/girl image, skipping from relationship to relationship, or just the opposite -a shy daisy reputation with little romantic action until much later. Better yet, most of the late love bloomers are just men and women, who tend to have more heart breaks or love disappointments in their 20-ties and even 30-ties and start worrying they will never settle or be happy in love! But there is hope, if you are one of these-it is just that you are meant to settle later after a few ...
Astrology of Relationships
Male Capacity for Happiness in Relationships or Is He Datable?
Male Capacity for Happiness in Relationships or Is He Datable?