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Opportunities and talents existing in the natal chart and development in the future, career, wealth, personal growth, business and cash flow - the best opportunities to reach financial wellbeing, strong and weak years as regards to finances, the potential for money-making and its development over the years.
Home, family, parents, relatives, children, love, creative talents, partnerships, marriage, relationships – the prognosis, determined by the natal chart as well as the possibility of opportunities and potential improvements in these sectors of life, prognosis for the development of the relationships.
Health - diseases and predisposition to them, according to the position of the planets in the horoscope. One of the main goals of medical astrology is to warn about the possibility of diseases in these periods of the human life when a person is under the influence of adverse cosmic impacts.
Partnerships – analysis of the interaction between two people and their relationship. Review of the needs and expectations in the couple life, social spheres of active interaction.
Annual forecast – one year forecast starting from the moment of the request. This is the forecast for the upcoming year. The analysis contains information about the possibilities for development and the negative influences during the year, what areas of life are active, where and when to expect events.
Electional astrology - choosing the best time to start important activities: signing of contracts, civil marriages, establishment of companies and commercial activities, planning surgical interventions, sales and purchases etc.
Overall horoscope - includes analysis of the physical condition, life path, mission, health, best living conditions, analysis of health problems, financial condition, sources of income, home, family, children, love, partnerships, marriage, relationships with people, career, personal growth.
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