A broad-minded, fun-loving Mercury, this placement can be associated with people who travel a great deal-especially if the rest of the chart confirms this. It is an ideal placement for the travel agent, tour guide or long distance lorry-driver. It can me make people skilled in international law or trade.
There can be great skills at spinning a yarn, so the telling of tall stories belongs here. While there can be a certain sloppiness with respect to accuracy or the details of a given story, there is often a wonderful capacity for imbuing an anecdote with fun, sparkle of meaning. Often it indicates good story tellers.
People with Mercury in Sagittarius can be great at seeing the wider view and getting the gist of the matter in hand. It is therefore an ideal position for consultant, advisors, teachers, life coaches or those who called to comment in religious philosophical or political matters. They usually have an opinion or comment on everything!
Sagittarius is a sign often concerned with the morals of a particular situation so this can be fairly preachy or judgmental Mercury. However, those with this placements can also often be generous in thought, tending always to give others the benefit of the doubt.
Friendships are usually with those interested in spiritual, political, educational or other high minded matters. Foreign friends.
Character Astrology
Mercury in Sagittarius. Thinking and Skills