Predictive Astrology
The Age of Leo - the End of Atlantis. The coming Age of Aquarius- a New Cataclysm? Rather enjoying Ancient Apocalypse on Netflix. Graham Hancock masterfully proves how many of the most ancient archeological sites were built around 11 -12 000 years ago, at the end of the last Ice age and deluge, commemorating and leaving signs about the end of one epoch and the start of another. All these ancient structures depict and are aligned to the stars’ positions as per 11-12 000 years ago…only astro-archeology can correctly date such sites because all ancient sacred sites were aligned with astrological and astronomical phenomenons… Wonderful that Graham Hancock is using this method to correctly date… From esoteric/ occult history and investigation (for more read Anthroposophy) ...
Predictive Astrology
Humanity waking up: 2020-2040. Astrology predictionsThe BIGGEST JUMP in Consciousness for HUMANITY begins... you will not be able to recognize life on EARTH in 20-30 years! In a GOOD WAY! The last 240 years of Saturn Jupiter Conjucntions in earth sign and especially the last 20 years from the Saturn Jupiter conjunction in Taurus, have been all about ownership, gathering, a frantic race for who can get more, leading to the most unequal distribution of wealth and resources in the history of humanity. Consumerism peaked, BUT this state of consciousness is about to gradually die off and transition into the Aquarian principle of equal distribution. Despite the desperate attempts of the old consciousness elites to keep this paradigm of ...
Predictive Astrology
Saturn transit through the 12th house. The art of introspection and zoning out!My experience with Saturn transit through the 12th house. The art of introspection and zoning out! I am just ending this transit after 3 and a half years almost. Pretty much since the moment I gave birth to my first child and then a second followed. They say Saturn transiting the 12th is about dissolution of your old lifestyle. For sure, the party going, globe trotting, irresponsible flirt slowly dissolved, but there was a good reason for it with two babies that need routines and constantly being stuck at home. Disconnection from the world and isolation: pretty much so, barely see anyone or go anywhere but the rest of the world had this experience this year too. They say Saturn in the 12th brings ...
Predictive Astrology
Pluto Transits, Death and Rebirth Pluto Transits. The Toughest but Most Important Periods in Life It is funny how all good things come in three and all bad things come in 3 (or more). When it rains it pours, they say! Like when my husband had Pluto transiting opposite his Sun in 2014. Pluto being the planet of death, 4 major endings happened in his life within a few months! His then wife left, the company he was working for closed down, his dog died and his beloved aunt passed too. Now I don’t want to scare you that this will happen to you if you are having a Pluto transit, most often it will be a more psychological and symbolic death, but in his case this extreme development was needed ...
Predictive Astrology
The Age of Pisces is ending, the Age of Aquarius is Dawning! What to expect.How is the age of Aquarius different than the last 2000 years of the Age of Pisces? Pisces is the last sign in astrology and carries the karma (the consequences) of the previous actions of humanity or an individual. So it is extremely hard for humanity to be happy in the age of Pisces while it is paying off difficult karma. Jesus Christ initiated the age of Pisces with His sacrifice (Pisces) and the start of a 2100 year period for humanity when our “sins” are being washed away: Pisces rules “sins” but also the release from these through suffering and sacrifice. The Pisces age which we are about to fully end in 100-200 years, has been a hard time for humanity: suffering, paying ...
Predictive Astrology
2020 The Start of a NEW World Order! Astrology predictions.2020, a Year to remember!! The start of a NEW World Order 2020 will be intense and important, especially for the Cardinal signs(Aries, Capricorn, Cancers and Libras). Mars will be retrograde Aries square Saturn, so a lot of life changes triggered by crises and pressure, the need to overcome challenges and pressure from outside! But we will surely take these on with initiative (Aries) and will even instigate these, they will not go down as victims, but make dynamic changes to fix problems and take Cardinal new directions. These huge changes will be in their physical body/health, career, partnerships or/and family. Big surprises but more on the love / money and emotional life is ...
Predictive Astrology
Predicting New Beginnings in Life with AstrologyAstrology is an amazing tool to foresee and plan for the big new beginnings in life! Actually there is no other reliable system which can time correctly such periods of renewal and fresh direction. But astrology can also define the quality and nature of these events! Some new beginnings are long awaited, easy to see and in the coming for years, while others take us by surprise and shock us out of our conform zone! As a 12 year practicing astrologer I will reveal to you some of the most reliable astrological methods which I have seen that point to the timing and nature of these periods. 1.Saturn transit ascendant, Sun or Moon. (To find out if Saturn will conjunct your Sun, Moon or Ascendant ...
Predictive Astrology
Mars Retrograde Lessons. Real Life StoriesMars retrograde periods happen once every 2.5 years for about 3 months, and are known as some of the most intense and stressful times for most people. Big life changes, evaluations and transformations accompany these periods. This is a 3-4 month period when Mars is super bright in the sky, a big fiery, red star, which shines brighter than all other stars in the sky! Why are these periods so important and critical? Mars is the planet of will power, drive, energy, action, assertion. It is our ability to protect what is ours, what is good and fair for us, what we believe in, what we treasure, it is how and in what we direct our energy to. Without its influence people would have no desire or impulse ...
Predictive Astrology
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto's Impact on History and CivilisationThe fastest developments in recorded human history came from 18th century and in the last 200 years we have had unprecedented progresses. This coincided with the discovery of the first of the trans-saturnian planets-Uranus and escalated with the discovery of Neptune and Pluto after that. Uranus was discovered around the time electricity was discovered in the mid 18th century. Since then Astrologers noticed that Uranus and its transits are always involved with technological progress. People who have personal Uranus transit also get suddenly involved with high tech, science and progressive new trends. Uranus is the planet associated with electricity, which made the the scientific revolution possible ...
Predictive Astrology
Mercury Retrograde Break Ups!Mercury Retrograde Couple Problems! When Mercury goes retrograde, I get showered with relationship break up reading requests! It is happening again. And as a clockwork, the orders for relationship problems started coming in! Why is this period more stressful for couples? Because Mercury is the planet of communications. Nothing in relationships is more important that communication! When Mercury is retro-it becomes super strong! We get too much of Mercury-an overflow! So all of a sudden many unsaid, unspoken and buried problems, a couple has not talked about, get said! Often like an eruption! Things which bother us, which we should have talked about with our significant other, as soon as ...
Predictive Astrology
Why I LOVE Venus Retrograde Periods! How misleading from modern astrologers! Actually in ancient Astrology Retrograde planets are considered way more powerful! Because they are the closest to the earth and the brightest in the sky! This is when their influence is at its peak! So what will Venus retrograde enhance for 40 days while it is retro? Only the best things in world: FOOD, MONEY, SEX, LOVE, ROMANCE, ART, FASHION, MUSIC... The only problem is that too much of a good thing can be sometimes problematic. So if you have been overindulging in any of these, you might have a break down, before you have a breakthrough! When Venus is is retro we revise willingly or not out attitudes to all these things so we can take it to ...
Predictive Astrology
Venus Retrograde. Big Life Style Changes! Venus indicates all the things which we enjoy, reward and sooth ourselves with. When it moves normally forward, we look for these things from outside-love, amusements, good food, drinks, socialising etc. But when Venus starts moving in retrograde, for 40 days, we internalize these impulses. We either cannot get access to their outer, worldly manifestations so we are forced to look inside for self soothing, or we have an inner realisation, that the life style we had been pursuing makes us dependant and takes things out of our control. Imagine how many people self sooth(Venus) through harmful substances, unhealthy foods, wasteful habits or addictive unequal relationships. These things ...
Predictive Astrology
Pluto Transits. The Game Changer!Important Pluto transits happen once or twice in life. For some people it is more times, but these are exceptional tough souls who chose a fast track evolution through crisis incarnation. When Pluto comes around, for about 2 years everything inside and outside our lives totally changes. By the end of the period, the transformation is so profound, the person is barely recognisable, so is his environment. Here is a story from a client who had Pluto transit her Sun and Venus over 2 years: "I was living the High Life- jet setting, high fashion, luxury properties, rubbing shoulders with royalty and celebrity...not a care in the get the picture. I was dating an affluent man who introduced ...
Predictive Astrology
Mars Return. What to Expect and How to Handle It.It is very important to watch out what Mars events happen around you on those 2-3 days, and especially how you react to these. This wil indicate first the level and nature of Mars stress and activities in the next 2.5 years and second how you will be able to handle these. For example: this morning I found out someone has hacked my website and deleted the profiles of all my psychics. This is a very Mars attack(enemy, hater). So this puts me on the alert to be more careful with envious people and enemies acting behind the back and undermining me. But I stayed calmed, and just erected a horary chart, for who it might be. The chart is for the moment of asking the question. The chart showed an ...
Predictive Astrology
The Astrology of Big Shifts. Progressed Ascendant through the Signs.Your Ascendant sign, which indicates your physical body and direction life, progresses through a different sign every 16 to 20 years. This is when a huge shift in personality, look, health, physical appearance, habits and path in life happen! Your relationships will also change in a big way. You will either change partners or start attracting and being attracted by very different people! ARIES They get more energy, become physically actives(usually after years of being lazy or non-energetic while the Ascendant was in lethargic Pisces) get slimmer, more defined muscles, kick out some addictions or unhealthy escape mechanisms, which Pisces would have inclined them towards.They become more assertive ...
Predictive Astrology
The Age of the Capricorn 4000 AD to 6000 AD. Occult Secrets of the Distant Human FutureWe have all heard of the Age of Aquarius spanning for the next 2000 years while the spring eqionox is passing through the sign of Aquariusâwhich will bring us an utopian society of brotherhood, social fairness, material equality for all and scientific advancement beyond our dreams (as are still so far from all this). But some of us want to take a peek at the far away future and unravel its secrets! In order to see what the age of Capricorn will bring to humanity from 4000 to 6000 AD we have to deep-dive into the occult meaning of Capricorn firstâyou might be surprised what we find out there! Capricorn is a the most mystical, confusing and misunderstood sign. Its original ancient shape ...
Predictive Astrology
The Astrological Cycles of MusicThis is an interesting research which shows that the major music trends in the world develop every 30 years approximately, which timeframe corresponds with one rotation of Saturn(social order) around the Sun. Let me explain the diagram: the lower amplitude shows the start of a new music trend--which is epitomised by a leading sound/instrument--this is the rebellious stage of a music conception! For example: in the 20-ties --Jazz was the start of a new trend of music which used Saxophone, in the 50-ties Rock and Roll was the start of a new music trend using the electric guitar, in the 80-ties electronic sound appeared with the synthesizer. It takes about 20 years for each of these new rebellious ...
Predictive Astrology
The Time After Sunset...The time after Sunset and for about 2 hours on is known in astrology as the time when the Sun is in the 6th house- associated with Illness and health.Whenever the 6th house is activated somehow, one receives signals about his body condition-if something needs to be improved in the life style of the person, the body will inform him, by symptoms or outright illness. Why is this position of the Sun, known as the sickness sector in Astrology? Every day after the Sun sets and for about 2 hours, the body needs to adjust itself to the change of diminishing light and energy around it. The Sun-the major source of both, is no longer available and all living organisms need to realign themselves with the ...
Predictive Astrology
The Lessons Mars in LIBRA taught each Sign in 2014(Check your Ascendant and Sun signs). To find your Ascendant sign click here: BIRTH CHART CALCULATOR ARIES: High passions in relationships, tension and conflicts with others, but also learning how to react better to such provocations. Did you learn to control your temper towards others when provoked or challenged, a bit better? There certainly were more than enough such situations in the past few months. TAURUS:Â Having to deal with certain practical matters(repairs, solving of material problems, fixing things) Some more acute health issues might have come up, and hopefully lead to better health practices. Increased productivity at work. GEMINI: Competitive or sporting spirit. Possible conflicts ...
Predictive Astrology
Venus Return in AstrologyVenus makes a return to its Natal position in your birth chart once every year. The events on the day before, of and after the exact return are very telling about how you will fare during the next 12 months in regards to Venus matters: Relationships, love, luxuries, vehicles, the good things in life, sensory and sensual enjoyments of any sorts! Any human will jump at the opportunity to know this! Pay attention to the omens on this day(s) and even go back to the past and see if you can remember what happened to you then! Let me give you an example: A client of mine bumped into an old flame of hers on the day before her Venus retrun. He was full of compliments towards her and they ended up have ...
Predictive Astrology
Rahu Return! The Trampoline Effect.What happens to you around the ages of 18, 37 and 56? These are the ages when Rahu returns to its natal position and makes the person embrace and develop the area of Rahu's house while letting go of the affairs of the opposite house. If you help Rahu in its house you can have a frogjump advancement on your path in life in those periods! You can find out what house your Rahu is from the Birth chart calculator as long as you know your time of birth. Then see what house number Rahu is in the same square/triangle with. Like shown on the table below. Rahu in the 1st house: Around the ages of 18/19 and then again 37 and 56 life makes you focus more on your own path in life, on your own strengths ...
Predictive Astrology
Overcoming Saturn's TransitsIf you have not watched my videos on how to find when you will pass through your next major Saturn transit and what it will mean for you, here is a link to these: Saturn tranisting Moon, Saturn tranisting Ascendant, Saturn transiting your Sun sign Acceptance and Patience: Saturn is all about teaching us humbleness and endurance. If you are someone who is used to having their own way, then Saturn’s periods can really strain you to the limit because then obstacles get put on your way, things are delayed, projects disrupted or not going according to plan always, and the only thing one can do is learn to accept what fate throws their way(illness, misfortunes, unfair adversary, delays, no matter ...
Predictive Astrology
Is Mercury Retrograde Bad?So many people write to me distressed because they will have to sign a contract, make some trip or do some business while Mercury is retrograde. Modern astrology has managed to portray those periods of the year, during which Mercury is moving backwards as seen from the Earth, as malefic and inauspicious in all areas of life symbolized by Mercury: communications, business, travel, written and spoken word, documents, etc. But is this really so? I have always suspected the validitity of this extreme opinion of modern astrologers that all retrograde planets(not only pooor Mercury) have negative effect in the life of the person who has such planets in his birth chart or in the periods when the current ...
Predictive Astrology
Neptune TransitsTraditional astrologers say that the outer planets do not produce events and everything that happens can be explained by the seven visible ones. I respect and use the old systems but how can you deny something when it hits you personally and you feel its mighty presence with every fibre in your body! This is what happened when Neptune came to oppose my natal Moon. I had been expecting it eagerly as I thought it will bring me closer to God and spirituality-I thought I was going to experience its most elevated and refined expression-as divine inspiration and depth of emotional experience. I thought I had evolved beyond Neptune`s more mundane faces. Well all of the above happened but accompanied ...
Predictive Astrology
Law of Attraction and AstrologyAstrology has always sounded fatalistic and gloomy to most people as it has been associated with some all powerful planetary, cosmic influences that predetermine every event in your life. But with the recent surge of awareness about the forgotten Law of Attraction, we can finally interpret intelligently how the workings of the free will tie up with astrology. But this becomes a more evolved astrology-a holistic approach which main purpose is to empower people, not to scare them about the future. The Law of Attraction, states that you are responsible for everything that happens in your life. Every event-to the most inconspicuous one- happens because you have attracted it in your life, through ...
Predictive Astrology
Saturn Return-an Initiation into AdulthoodThis week is my first ever Saturn return, and the old master Saturn himself has made me a channel for his wisdom! What better time and place to unravel and observe the lessons of this life changing influence than from inside the eye of the storm! Saturn return is when the planet Saturn makes a full circle around the sun and gets back to the same position that it was in at the moment you were born. For every person it is different but it occurs somewhere between the 27th and the 30th year. You do not have to be a an astrologer to notice that at some moment during this age, young people's life attitude and life as a whole totally changes. Why is this?The planet Saturn is the one that guides all ...
Predictive Astrology
Astrology Prediction and Free WillA year ago I made a reading for a charming and ambitious young lady. She was most interested in finding out about her future business prospects as she was embarking on a cherished career project. She had all the details worked out and there was no doubt in her mind that it was going to work out according to her plan. When I looked at her chart, I was immediately disconcerted as the planets for the next 9 months did not seem to support her big hopes and actually they were going to obstruct and discourage her in every step. Well that prediction was very clear and it was going to ruin the plans of 95 % of normal people, but this lady was special. She had unwavering determination and when the hard ...