By Celebrity Astrologer Mariana
22nd May to 29th
You are entering an important period for your career development. During this week, you may receive a reward for the efforts you have made so far, so that you climb the hierarchical ladder, if the working conditions allow it. At a minimum, you should get the satisfaction, kind of approval and support that works for you in this way. Some of you will outline more distant perspectives of development, because they will start a process that will have a similar effect. Alternatives may also be revealed to you, if you are looking for them, in which case someone will be found to lend you a hand, when you need one. Some of you will enjoy secret or unexpected guardianship. However, you cannot expect goodwill from everyone. It is possible that there is a person in your environment who has too high expectations or demands, you will consider how to react. Your partner - may also put some pressure on you through exaggerated demands. In an optimal version, the person next to you will be a faithful corrective, will show you possible weaknesses, if there are any. In a not so positive sense - you will realize that the differences between you and your loved one are too great, you look in different directions or he does not support your ambitious plans, but rather acts as a brake on you. Partnerships are tested for strength, a great sign will be, if there are no problems between you now and you enjoy understanding. Then you will be able to rely on the same in the future, so you have a stable and reliable companion. If weak links escalate - remove them in a timely manner, if this is even possible, it will be visible now... You enjoy friendly support, your influence and popularity grow and with the corresponding positives. Pleasant surprises are possible from the collective, in which you exist, although sometimes these can also be people outside the traditional environment. Be careful, if you are conducting legal cases or disputes, it is good in such cases to rely on proven professionals who you trust. You are in a stage that will transform your environment and in this process, in a natural way, you will do a purge, some program of goals or intentions is about to be exhausted, do an analysis and build a strategy, some of the trends have gained speed and move under their own momentum…
See Mariana's Services:
15th May to 22nd
The gaze of most of you will be directed to more distant perspectives of development, because such changes are escalating in your life and require you to assemble a complete picture so as to choose the most correct path for your development. It can be said that at this stage you have a lucky charm, because you are supported by people and circumstances that stabilize you, help you stand out or realize your ambitious plans. The stars give you a chance to surpass the successes you have achieved up to this point. What will pull you forward and up continues to be your high qualification, practical assessments, expediency in your actions, respect you receive from others due to your behavior. Now you may come under someone's tutelage, which stabilizes you and through which you will more easily realize your intentions. Some of you will be able to enter into a partnership, if in the past some promises or agreements were delayed, confused, now they will quickly gain speed in a direction that interests you. Cases involving the signing of contracts will develop well, they may be long-lasting and reliable... You may receive important documents, deal with controversial and legal cases, if that interests you. If you stick to facts and truth, the power will necessarily be on your side. Some of you may be interested in upgrading your qualifications, for which they will get "the green light". Others - may decide to travel, change their place of residence... The New Moon, which is on May 19th - will implant additional strength and energy to these processes, so it will speed them up, they will take place more easily or more quickly. Mercury will be direct since May 15th and will support the realization of your ideas, desires and intentions. On May 17th Jupiter will move into Taurus for the next year or so, there will always be people or circumstances that inspire you, contribute to positive evaluations, make your dreams more colorful and also realistic. The scenery around you will be transformed, figuratively speaking, many of you are already feeling the "winds of change." In love, you are in a wonderful period to stabilize your partner relationships. Some of you may decide to "cement" them by getting married, others will discuss more distant prospects of development with their loved one, will take appropriate steps in this direction. If you are alone and start a new relationship, then it will be stable and promising, even if it is with a partner who sometimes seems more demanding and not too tolerant. In the last days of the week, the stars in brighter colors will show you what you can move forward with and what you need to leave behind. It is useful to beware of accidents...
See Mariana's Services:
9th May to 15th
The more distant future may seem quite exciting, slightly uncertain and due to new circumstances, conditions of existence that may invade your life. People outside your immediate or traditional environment - can occupy your attention, have a significant impact on you and change your plans. In an optimal version, what is happening will become an occasion for spontaneous opportunities that stand in your way and that you can take advantage of. You can expand your development horizons, sometimes in an unexpected way, if you travel, demonstrate high qualifications, set yourself more significant goals, even if they require additional time to be fully realized. Your ruler Mercury is retrograde, so you may think, change your decisions... You may go back to the past so that you act differently to get a better result than before. Your actions will contribute to this - to catch up with possible gaps, to stabilize relationships with important people for you, including your partner, personal or business. An appropriate time to clear up misunderstandings, if there are any, or - to discuss further development prospects with your partner, with a person you care about. A new person may appear in your environment to relieve you from the stressful everyday life, with whom you will share feelings, and this person will lend you a hand in case of need, if you wish... You will enjoy more goodwill in the collective, in which you exist or it is a friend with whom you join forces... If in the past controversial issues arose between you and an energetic person, with whom you have unresolved issues, purely material, then try to stop growing tension so as not to allow it to explode, figuratively speaking in the coming days or week. Be more careful with financial institutions, do not take overly risky actions...
See Mariana's Services:
1st May to 7th May
During the first part of the week, your initiative will be very high, so you will naturally find yourself in the center of attention and events. You can play the role of a faithful corrective to others, with greater ease or criticism you will show them their weak points, you will recognize possible insincerity and with the corresponding consequences. You can take stock on various occasions - on whom and to what extent you can rely, who supports your ambitious plans... If misunderstandings have accumulated in the relationship between you and your partner, and in a more unpleasant form - insincerity, then now it will come to the surface, use what is happening to remove anything secretive or erosive that can destroy the feelings and affection between you. Otherwise, your loved one will simply need more attention. Those around you greatly influence your reputation and social standing. You may also find yourself in a situation that requires you to "clear your environment" of personalities that have a destructive effect on your future development... If there are any, you will identify them. In the second part of the week, the information flow is quite intense, you manage to cope with increased competition, you can hold explanatory conversations, negotiations that have a wide impact... The Full Moon on May 5th, which is with a lunar eclipse, will bring you a peak of news, you may have quite emotional conversations, look beyond the visible, let this have a purifying and healing effect. If in any case this is not possible, then you will terminate contacts or contracts, if this happens, then it will be irreversible...
See Mariana's Services:
24th April to 30th
You are in an excellent period during which you can surpass the successes you have achieved so far, you have a chance to expand your development horizons. The stars give you the opportunity to establish your authority in a team, to cope with increased competition or demands, in this process it will help you a lot - the demonstration of high qualification or communication with people who are far away from you, literally and in a wider meaning. You can look into the more distant future, so that you can put together a complete picture and accordingly - choose the most correct, appropriate and favorable direction of development for you. In a natural way, you may rethink your past decisions, now you may act differently to get a better result than before, to protect yourself from possible mistakes, to get back something from the past that is important to you. What preoccupies your mind now may become a leitmotif for the next month or so. Some of your goals may require more time to be fully realized, but this as a consequence can transform your life, your environment, your immediate surroundings. You demonstrate the best of yourself, it is noticed, appreciated, so you can also rely on a dose of luck at different levels of your life - in a personal and business aspect... In love - you stabilize your relationships, you can "cement" them by discussing more distant prospects of development, for example, getting married, if you are not yet... Of course, it could be something else like a plan and an idea, but still so positive. If you are single and start a relationship, then it can be quite hopeful, promising, loyal, even if in some cases it seems rather cold than built on passion...
See Mariana's Services:
17th April to 23rd
You are in a highly transformative period that concerns your financial situation, what you have - in general. The New Moon is coming on April 20th, which is accompanied by the Solar Eclipse, you can take advantage of it to make an important choice or channel this powerful energy in an optimally positive direction for you. It is possible that changes around your loved ones, grown-up children, if you have any, will strongly influence you and determine your personal vector of development. You may decide to invest in them, help them... In another case, you may break away from commitments that drain your resources and destabilize you purely materially, this trend will be fully realized in the next six months or so... You will choose your strategy, direction, as if you are at the threshold of a life crossroads. Some of you may settle inheritances, others may engage in active interaction with financial institutions, may transform their own business, if they have one, so that it prospers, so that inevitable and positive, healing reforms take place. Mercury turns retrograde on April 21st, prompting you to rethink your decisions and regarding long-term development prospects. People from your past can come back into your life, if you want and let them. Your popularity is growing, your development horizons may expand through your own social activity. Some of you will regain old opportunities that include arranging documents, travel, education... You present yourself in an optimally good light and possess a dose of luck...
See Mariana's Services:
11th April to 17th
Throughout this week, you may receive some great gift from the fate, for your sense of happiness or well-being you may rely on important people you interact with. Some of you will increase your income, others can settle inheritance issues or will interact quite successfully with government or financial institutions and with the corresponding positives... There may also be persons who transform their lives through a child, the appearance of an heir, etc. Something new is born in your life, it may also be against the background of major transformations where you make a choice, you may have to give up something in order to acquire something else that is more valuable to you. You are entering a period during which you will demonstrate the best of yourself, it will be noticed and appreciated. Thus, in a natural way, your popularity will grow, you will cope more easily with increased competition, if there is any, you can take leadership positions in a team. The demonstration of high qualification or communication with similar personalities will bring you success. The period is suitable to expand your horizons of existence, you will have such a chance. Partner relationships - it is possible that your partner burdens you more, because he wants more attention, needs help or else - he does not understand enough, does not support your ambitious plans. In fact, on various occasions and in different ways, you will be prompted to do an analysis - which appears as a "brake" on your feeling of happiness, well-being. If there are such personalities, you will be able to identify them and right now you will be prompted to change something to meet this challenge and overcome it...
See Mariana's Services:
4th April to 10th
From the beginning of the week, your patron Mercury will move into the zodiac sign Taurus and will contribute to your greater self-confidence, stability, positive assessments of your future development. Your practical attitudes and expediency in actions will strengthen even more and you will be able to set more distant and preferred perspectives of development. On various occasions, you may actually concentrate yourself on goals that require more time to be materialized. You can build a strategy that will lead you to a victorious end. Some of you will receive nice notifications from powerful persons or people who are far away from them. Ideas or desires for travel may arise and if they come true, then they will be accompanied by pleasant experiences and the fulfillment of intentions. Matters related to settling documents, resolving legal cases, signing long-term contracts, improving qualifications, if that interests you, are developing well. Partner relationships - you are in a wonderful period to stabilize them, you will notice that your partner supports you on different levels and you can rely on your loved one. The period is suitable to upgrade or enrich your relationships, to make some changes that are long-term and stabilizing. If you get married now or start a new romantic relationship, then it promises to be quite long-term, romantic and promising. If you are single, you can meet love on the road or attract a partner who is outside your immediate or traditional environment. You are in a highly transformative period that will affect what you have in common. Your well-being can be transformed according to the support you receive from people who influence your finances. Who enriches you or who you should leave, you understand to a significant extent in the days of the Full Moon, which is on April 6th...
See Mariana's Services:
28th March to 3rd April
You are in a highly transformative period during which you may have to make an important choice that will transform your life in the future and what you have in common. The direction you will choose directly depends or is determined by important people for you, partners, personal or business. Some of you will enter into an association that will have an enriching effect on them, they will accept an idea that is useful for them, they will orient themselves to people with whom they have common interests. It is possible to invest in your future or in your loved ones. You may deal with inheritance cases... The options are many and varied, you will choose a strategy to win and not the opposite, the key to this will be the kind of benefactors you allow around you, who you trust and even invest... During the current period, your popularity grows, you manage to impose your authority in a team, cope with increased competition or meet high expectations, even if this burdens you too much, requires compromises on your part, these efforts will have a long-term and highly supportive result for you, your own authority and a more stable, predictable future... During this week, you can stabilize and improve your partner relationships. You may spend more time outside with a loved one, dream, make plans that may materialize later and in practice. If you are alone, you may attract a partner who is not too romantic, but who is reliable, can be trusted... Communicating with people outside your immediate or traditional environment inspires and enthuses you. Possible trips are associated with surprises, but in most cases - pleasant ones.
See Mariana's Services:
21st March to 26th
This week the New Moon is coming and in the zodiac sign Aries on March 21st. This New Moon will affect your financial situation, what you have - in general. You may increase your income as a result of support, approval from influential or powerful individuals, people who influence your well-being... These may also be your personal or business partners. It is recommended to consciously and purposefully strengthen contacts that will have an enriching effect on you and will fulfill your innermost desires or will help you turn some challenges to your advantage. It is possible that some of you will start settling inheritance issues, you may actively interact with financial institutions and even take out loans or invest to materialize your dreams. This week you are quite involved, many have come under the influence of increased demands, sometimes misunderstandings or influences that burdens you. Now all this should be resolved, cleared and some relief should come, because the controversial issue is resolved or it has lost its meaning and statute of limitations and maybe a certain person is simply no longer in your circle... The demonstration of high qualification, communication with people outside the immediate or traditional environment - bring you satisfaction, contribute to your feeling of happiness. On March 23rd, Pluto enters the zodiac sign Aquarius and will remain in this sector until June 11th, but will return for good in November 2024 and will remain in this sector for the next 20 years or so. Pluto will require you to change something in your daily life, in your habits, in your work in order to be healthier and more successful. If you use this planet properly, then it will give you a chance to rise to power - literally and in a wider sense. You will do your best, if your work involves more movement, a chance to demonstrate personal qualities, because you have greater freedom of action... In love - you can stabilize your partner relationships or turn over a new page that is left behind some worries or misunderstandings... So it will be, if the respective relationship is promising. If you are alone, you can meet love on the road or a friendship will grow into something more...
See Mariana's Services:
13th March to 19th
A leading topic for most of you will be partner relationships or other relationships important to you that affect your social position, career development. Ideally, you will use this powerful energy to clear up any misunderstandings between you and a loved one, if there are any, they will now escalate and let this become an occasion to get them out of the way - through clarifying conversations. Otherwise, your partner may simply need more of your attention. If the differences between you are too great, you cannot find common topics or even interests, then you will end the relationship. In a purely professional aspect, you have to prove yourself more to others, so you can cope with increased competition or more demands, but this is an excellent reason to prove yourself and show yourself to the best of your ability. At this stage, you achieve goals more easily when you join forces with certain people, by working in partnership, you have someone to rely on. In fact, most of you will act or react just like that and will have someone to rely on. However, it is also useful to guard against influences that are not entirely honest, you may be suggested one or another truth that is not in your favor, certain personalities may be the occasion for vivid emotional experiences, through which you will lose boundaries, direction of development... It seems that now it will be most important to be careful who you trust and allow near you. There will be people who will stimulate you to develop, but also those who can displace you or cause not too desirable changes... If you are careful, everything will be fine. During the second part of the week, the situation will be gradually stabilized. From March 19th, Mercury, your patron, will transit through the zodiac sign Aries and from this sector will strengthen your determination, fighting spirit, breakthrough, leadership qualities and ability to cope with any challenges...
See Mariana's Services:
6th March to 12th
On March 7th, Saturn enters the zodiac sign of Pisces and will remain in this sector for the next two and a half years or so. During this period, you will be strongly concentrated on your partner relationships, personal and business. People important to you - they may have a marked need for your attention, for you to spend more time with them. In another case, it may begin to seem to you that some of the people around you are beginning to limit you, show greater demands on you or show character traits that you have not noticed until now. Saturn can help you to strengthen partnerships, relationships with the other side - in general, showing more patience, understanding, united efforts in common goals, because you are useful to each other. It is likely that your relationships will be tested for strength and those that can stand the "test of time" will survive. You will develop a more critical attitude, demanding towards others. It will not be easy for them to touch your heart. If you are alone, you can meet love and during this time it may be with a partner who at first glance is not too tolerant, but at the same time is serious, loyal, can contribute to your better social status, at least - in most cases. In what direction your relationships are developing, partner and not only, what you have to overcome and what holds you to each other - you will find out to a significant degree in the days of the Full Moon, which is on March 7th. This week you may receive a promotion or some kind of gift as a result of support from those who influence your well-being.
See Mariana's Services:
27th February to 6th March
You may be highly focused on priorities that concern your professional realization, this will help you find a way out or a solution, if you need one, at a minimum - you may overcome some difficulty in order to prove yourself and establish your authority in the workplace. In this sector, it is not excluded that important news that has a long-term impact will escalate, you will take an active part or your role will somehow be decisive, you will strongly influence trends, if you want and consider it appropriate to be more active, but also to take on increased responsibilities. If this is not your topic, then it will be nice to pay attention to your physical condition, not to neglect yourself, not to overwork yourself. A good time to delegate responsibilities. At the same time - you have to be careful who you let in, because there may be competition around you that is not always loyal or open, which you should remove from your way, at least - you have to be careful who you let in. However, your well-being can now change as a result of support and approval from people who influence what you have in common. You may increase your income, you may receive a great gift, sometimes it may not be material, but more like a moral satisfaction or something that will please your soul and heart. If you are interested in the settlement of inheritance cases, now they can develop in your favor. Partner relationships - the messages to you are not unambiguous, on the one hand now - you may renew, stabilize, refresh something, find a way out and a solution to controversial issues, if there are any. On the other hand, you should not leave anything unsaid, if something worries you, you do not agree with it, make it clear so as not to allow secret or erosive processes to affect the feelings between you. Strong passions are escalating in your soul, channel them in an optimally productive direction for you, you will have such a chance.
See Mariana's Services:
20th February till 26th
The New Moon is coming and will renew your partner relationships. At this stage, you only receive first signals in this direction, for example - your partner may need more of your attention, at the same time - now it is appropriate or imperative to strengthen your relationship. If you are alone, then the topic of love will increasingly occupy your mind and in the coming days, about a month, you will be able to attract a partner with whom you can have a rather passionate relationship, if you wish, of course. Against this background - your daily life is quite busy with commitments, you present yourself as a wonderful specialist at the workplace, you can establish your authority or make a breakthrough in career development, if the working conditions allow it. At a minimum, you can achieve success, which will then develop almost under own momentum until the end of the year and maybe more. Some of you will actually have a chance to get rich or receive a great gift in the coming days and weeks, you can strengthen this tendency by concentrating on a specific goal that can materialize and practice. However, there may be some chaos in your daily life or more stress due to additional and unforeseen commitments - in the form of demands, sometimes forced travel, the options are much, you will have to mobilize yourself to cope with all the challenges...
See Mariana's Services:
13th February to 19th
A leading topic can be your professional realization. Although most of you are severely constrained by increased commitments and demands, you are nevertheless in a wonderful period during which you can assert your authority by successfully passing an exam of sorts, by demonstrating knowledge, by being mobilized and overcoming a challenge, responding to elevated requirements. This will have a wide and stabilizing impact on your ambitious plans, in career development and beyond. There are chances to increase your income, if the working conditions allow it. For now, you feel the first signals in this direction and they may materialize to a significant extent in the coming week. However, it is recommended to be more socially active, to negotiate your interests. Some of you should also be more attentive to their health, listen to your physical condition, take preventive measures, especially, if you feel that they are necessary. At this stage, most of you enjoy support and goodwill from others, you have someone to rely on. In partner relationships - you experience a magical moment of closeness, if you have a partner next to you. If you do not have, you can meet one. If not everything is developing according to your wishes, your dreams, then it is advisable to trace causal relationships in greater depth in order to eliminate possible weaknesses. As a last resort, the person next to you just needs more attention from you...
See Mariana's Services:
6th February to 12th
Your loved ones - grown children or a partner - occupy your attention on various occasions. For example, some changes may have occurred around them that affect you, you may have to make a decision that affects both your future development prospects and theirs. You get to the bottom of truths, you may have conversations that are more emotional, dramatic, affect your heart and that of the other party. You will decide in which direction to channel this powerful energy, it can be almost like magic, through which you influence and reach the soul, the psyche of people important to you. The daily life of most of you is busy above the average. You may have to overcome some challenge of your professional realization, this trend will continue until February 20th and may set the tone for your daily life for the rest of the year and possibly beyond. In an optimal case, you will impose your authority in the workplace and take a more prestigious position, but this may be accompanied by increased responsibilities. You may have to prove yourself more to influential or powerful persons, also - to be more organized. If any of your affairs are too burdensome and even overwhelming, then you may decide to change your workplace and accordingly to look for another one that is more suitable for you. It is good to be more attentive to your health, listen to your inner voice and try not to overwork yourself, do not compromise with yourself. Partnerships are good or at least you enjoy more goodwill and understanding, even if sometimes there are differences, a bit of tension, due to your increased workload... You can renew or refresh your relationships by dreaming and discussing the future...
See Mariana's Services:
30th January to 5th February
Your daily life is quite busy, even above the average level, it is not excluded that additional commitments permanently arise, sometimes surprising ones, which mobilize you, do not allow you to relax. The period is excellent to achieve success in a purely professional aspect, to make a breakthrough in your career development, what is happening will confirm your authority, help you to achieve prestigious public positions, all this will be useful to you and will then develop almost by own momentum and with the corresponding positives. At the same time, you may be required to re-prioritize yourself in order to be more effective and not to lose control of some situations. It is not excluded that forced travel, business trips, the need to meet higher expectations, including by expanding your knowledge or qualification. You have enough resources to influence and turn potential challenges to your advantage. Most of you act constructively, consistently and methodically, so you have a chance to come out victorious, achieve what you want or surpass what you have achieved to this point. You will enjoy more goodwill from others. You are entering a period during which you can harmonize or improve your partner relationships. Despite everything, it is not excluded that some differences will appear, which are not from yesterday, but are now escalating. For example, the partner next to you may not agree with your excessive busyness. In another case, you may have the feeling that the person next to you does not support you enough. Or - maybe he needs more attention from you too... Whatever it is, now is appropriate or necessary to clear up the differences between you. A unifying rule is that you can rely on more understanding in some disputes...
See Mariana's Services:
23rd January to 29th
Your daily life is becoming busier with commitments, but you are also quite efficient, you are in an optimally positive period, during which you can prove yourself in the workplace and gain some benefits from it. For example, if working conditions allow it, then you will receive an increase in income, you may occupy a prestigious position at work, you may fall under someone's tutelage or you will achieve successes that you can count on in the coming weeks, months and even more... If your current job does not satisfy you, then the period is excellent to look for and find something else, better paid or satisfying. You may work well on priorities that concern health or the rhythm of your daily life, if that interests you. In love - during the first part of the week, you may feel that there are still some unresolved cases that affect loved ones... You may have to invest more or to help your partner or grown children, if you have. Gradually, a complicated case or one that has occupied your attention will begin to unravel. In the second part of the week, you enjoy more attention, goodwill from a dear person, your partner. This trend will grow, so you are entering a period during which you can heal and strengthen your relationships and if you are single, you will be able to meet love.
See Mariana's Services:
16th January to 22nd
People close to your heart – your partner or grown children, if you have, are becoming an occasion for strong emotional experiences. The reasons for this can be different, for example, you are in a process that transforms your feelings and relationships or there are changes around them that escalate on you as well. At the moment, you have a huge inner strength, a dose of luck, thanks to which you can direct trends in a direction that is preferred by you. You will choose the direction according to deep inner analysis. Mercury, your patron, turns direct on January 18th, so if recently you have been experiencing some hesitations, if some processes have slowed down or become confused, now they will quickly begin to gain speed, you will achieve your intentions more easily. The daily life of the most of you is quite busy with commitments. You may be very focused on proving yourself in your workplace or – you have some challenges to overcome after proving yourself – this will help you to assert your authority and gain success that is long-lasting and no one can take away from you. If what is happening does not satisfy you or does not correspond to your expectations, then you may decide to look for and find something new that does not burden you so much, gives you the chance to grow professionally, to develop your potential. In such a case, you will be able to take advantage of the New Moon on January 22nd and make a big new beginning that will develop and grow in the coming weeks and maybe much longer. The time is appropriate to pay attention to your health, to carry out healing procedures or to change something in the rhythm of your routine, so that you will feel better, this will have a wide and positive impact, it will also be a preventive measure.
See Mariana's Services:
9th January to 15th
You are still in a wonderful period during which you can heal or strengthen your relationships, with your partner or grown children, if you have. On various occasions, you may rethink your attitude towards them, but in most cases this will have a positive and healing effect. This can become an occasion to clear up any misunderstandings that may have arisen in the past. If in this sector of your life not everything is going as you want or expect, then any differences are much more serious and will require more efforts to be resolved, if it is possible at all. However, you may have an above-average impact on such topics and most of you will experience a real renaissance in your relationships. If you are alone and start a relationship, it will combine respect, practical values, but also a dose of romance, spiritual attraction... All this you can strengthen and implant in your relationships, consciously and purposefully... In the first part of week, you have the opportunity to make a breakthrough in your career development or in your professional realization. A complex knot is starting to unravel in this sector of your life and efforts you have been making will gradually gather momentum and intensify from the end of January... At this stage and especially in the first days of the week, you can still direct, it is recommended to look into the more distant future. In the second part of the week, especially in the last days, your daily life goes out of the usual rhythm due to additional requirements, commitments, sometimes even - forced trips. You can look further into the future and see what changes are coming in the workplace as a priority, but not only. Take action accordingly…
See Mariana's Services:
1st January to 8th 2023
During this week, you will find more time for your loved ones, hobbies and even entertainment. You are in an excellent period, during which you can harmonize and improve your love relationships. Your patron, Mercury is retrograde, so you will tend to “go back to the past”, analyze it, rethink past decisions or you will have the opportunity to adjust something in your behavior in order to get a better result than before – to positively affect your relationships and not only. During the current period, there will be circumstances and specific persons that will ignite your enthusiasm, that will make you dream, you can also count on a dose of luck, you may look into the more distant future or make some kind of corrections, initiatives, having a similar impact in a more distant perspective. If you decide to travel, it will have a positive effect, it can become an occasion for sudden successes. The demonstration of high qualification, priorities that include increasing knowledge – will also be accompanied by a kind of satisfaction, will pull you forward and up, figuratively speaking. You are entering a positive and healing period, literally and in a broader sense.
See Mariana's Services:
19th December to 25th
Most of you now enjoy attention and support from their loved ones. This is a great period to heal and strengthen relationships, also – if you are single to meet love. However, the stars may require you to make some changes in relationships. You will find out what kind of changes you have to make in the days of the New Moon, which is on December 23rd. You may have to invest more in your loved ones, sometimes to make more compromises, balance strongly between your interests and those of the other party… If such a need escalates, you can direct it in a more positive direction. If significant differences have accumulated in your relationship, then the renewal that is coming will further crack the trust and loyalty between you… If everything is in order, then possible trips, discussion of more distant development prospects will heal, refresh and diversify your experiences, feelings and affections respectively. If you are single, you can meet love. Jupiter moves into Aries on December 20th and will remain there until May 2023. There is a high probability that during this time your well-being will change in a positive direction, but as a result of support and approval from important people who influence your finances, it is good to consciously act in this direction to increase the trend. Some of you may receive and inheritance or a greater gift from the fate by May 2023.
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