By Celebrity Astrologer Mariana
22nd May to 29th
Your daily life is becoming busier with commitments. The focus of most of you is professional realization, now is the time for you to make a breakthrough so that you consolidate your positions, increase your income, achieve successes that you will rely on for a long time. Most of you will have such a chance, because you rely on influential or powerful support, on accumulated experience and authority... After all, you are more likely to have more tense clarifying conversations with your colleagues. They may show themselves as more demanding or uncompromising personalities or if there were differences between you in the past, they will escalate now. Communication at work may be disrupted, you may have conversations or hear news that will change your future plans. But this is an excellent time to prove yourself or overcome a difficulty that you should not drag on in the future. If this is impossible, then you will terminate relationships and contracts that have already expired. In love, most of you enjoy goodwill and support from your loved one, your partner. Pleasant surprises are possible that will heal and strengthen the affection and feelings between you. If you have children, they will also become an occasion for good times and experiences. Increased expenses escalate, but they can be useful or unavoidable investments in yourself, in your loved ones, in business, even for pleasure. Work is at the background at this stage, but still - if you have to turn down some routine work, then you will be able to handle it with greater ease, you may delegate responsibilities or have someone to rely on.
See Mariana's Services:
15th May to 22nd
To a significant extent it can be said that you are in a lucky period during which you can carry out your intentions that please your heart, correspond to your path and predestination. The stars give you a chance to shine with your potential and realize your heart's dream. It will suit you, if you participate in projects, have your own business, your work is independent enough, gives you freedom of action or you hold management positions. It is worth being more proactive in the above-mentioned directions, you will get a "green light". If this is not your topic, then your attention will be heavily obsessed with your ones - your partner or grown children. In this area, important events may escalate that you need to guide. If in the past there were controversial cases, unclear topics, now you will have constructive conversations, you will reach solutions that will be positive, stabilizing or at least give you clarity - who or what you can rely on, so that you will be able to build the right strategy. Communication is a conduit for many transformations to turn in your favor. You can conclude long-term contracts, attract an influential or powerful guardianship, reach agreements that will stabilize you for a long time. On May 17th Jupiter moves into the zodiac sign Taurus and will remain in this sector for the next year or so. During this time, your children will be your pride, some of you can even have a child, if they wish. If you are alone - you will be able to meet love, if you have a partner - your relationship can become even stronger and you will find more and more time for your loved ones or for things that are more pleasant to you... On May 19th the New Moon is coming, which can accelerate some of the above-described prospects, take advantage of this tidal wave consciously and purposefully, so that you will be able to make your dreams come true...
See Mariana's Services:
9th May to 15th
You are entering a wonderful period during which you can strengthen relationships that are close to your heart, with your partner, with others - in general. You will enjoy more goodwill and understanding and with the corresponding positives. If in the past some controversial issues arose, it was difficult for you to make a decision regarding your loved one, grown children, if you have any, then now and in the current period - this old case will find a way out and a solution, you will come to one and this can have a long-term and positive impact on affection, love, trust, further development prospects... If you are single, then you may start a new romantic relationship, if this happens, then it will be promising, long-lasting, may and be with someone from your past or someone you know very well. Still, some surprises are possible in this sector of your life, but in most cases, they will be refreshing, useful, contributing to a kind of progress in your relationships. If in some cases this is still not the case, it will be a sign that differences have accumulated that require you to take actions, otherwise - the relevant relationship may get out of control or the changes may escalate due to external reasons. Analyze and target carefully. During the first days of the week, you direct the trends quite skillfully, you have a dose of luck. On Thursday and Friday, increased expenses escalate, your speculative sense and zest increase, if you do not overdo it with spontaneous and risky actions, then everything will be fine... However, it is useful to be more careful in matters related to income and expenses... Priorities that concern real estate, place of residence, household topics also begin to require more attention... If you feel differences with family members, with people you live with - resolve them promptly, you can still influence and guide…
See Mariana's Services:
1st May to 7th May
You are in a wonderful period to heal your love relationships, with your partner or grown children, if you have any. In this process, it is not excluded that old and unresolved topics from the past will be revived, even a love that should not have left your life may appear. Well, you will decide how to react to what is happening. Your partner or someone important to you can surprise you and in most cases - pleasantly and through a kind of support. Many now enjoy the kind of help, especially if they need it, from an energetic and proactive person, with whom they can delegate responsibilities and with the corresponding positives. A good time to strengthen or create partnerships, personal or business. Against this background and in your workplace, misunderstandings escalate, in a more unpleasant form - manipulations and frauds. Do not let them drag you into intrigues that will have an adverse impact on future development prospects, on your reputation and in a purely professional aspect. If you face truths that are insurmountable, then you may terminate contracts or business contacts that are exhausted and unreliable. The Full Moon, which is accompanied by a lunar eclipse on May 5th, will show you - on whom and to what extent you can rely and this will significantly determine - your environment, in a collective, which concerns your social situation, but also on a personal level... Analyze, guide. Contacts that have stood the test of time will be strengthened, the rest will fall away, but there is no need to feel sorry for them...
See Mariana's Services:
24th April to 30th
You are in a wonderful period during which you can strengthen your relationships, they can be with your partner, your grown children, if you have any. If you are alone, you may start a romantic relationship this week, if this happens, it will be with an energetic, active personality, a leader by nature, with whom you can help each other, among other things. A person from the past who is close to you can remind you of himself, it is a matter of choice how you will react. Old and unresolved issues from the past may be activated, but in most cases this will give you the opportunity to clear up possible disputes and misunderstandings, to direct them in a more suitable and positive direction for you. You have quite serious and constructive conversations that have a wide impact, which direct your relationships in a more distant perspective. Some of you may fall under someone's tutelage or attract to their side an influential and powerful person. You have a dose of luck, everything comes with greater ease, take advantage in an optimal way! You may have to deal more than usual with people from your environment, partners, personal or business, but in return you will be able to rely on them, there will be someone to delegate responsibilities to... In your work, you also meet a kind of approval, but current and routine affairs remain in the background, unless they give you a chance to prove yourself, to stand out, to take leadership positions... Otherwise, you will only deal with what is lighter or non-committal, gives you pleasure... If it is burdensome, you will find a way to escape, literally and in a broader sense... A good time to protect your interests through negotiations, if you need it...
See Mariana's Services:
17th April to 23rd
On April 20th, the New Moon is coming, which is with the Solar Eclipse and which will renew your immediate environment of existence, in the home and family... You can deal with priorities that concern understanding at home, resolving domestic or property disputes cases or those concerning residence. You have the power and will to direct trends beyond the ordinary through your own will, initiative and desires, because you influence those around you above the usual. Take advantage of this power, steer carefully and without losing sight of longer perspectives. This new beginning can grow over the next six months or so, it is always easier to influence in the beginning, take advantage! Most of you have the opportunity to stabilize and improve your partner relationships, personal or business. At first glance, it may seem to you that you have to make more compromises with the other side, but in practice - you can rely on greater tolerance and understanding, nothing is final, it is not excluded to reconsider past opportunities and before move forward with your loved one, with ultimate solutions. Now you can rely on objectivity, practicality, chances that come in your way again, even if you missed them before. What you are discussing now - will have a wide impact, but will materialize to a significant extent or gain greater clarity - only in the second part of May... For now, you can direct. In the workplace - you rely on approval from colleagues, even a dose of luck. If you are alone, a light flirt can turn into something more...
See Mariana's Services:
11th April to 17th
During this week, some extremely happy event may happen that affects your home and family. You can organize a family holiday, you can change relationships at home by upgrading, harmonizing, making important decisions. The stars predispose to an improvement in your comfort of existence, a chance to deal with domestic or property cases, or those related to residence... Sometimes the expansion of this sphere may be accompanied by an increase in the number of family members. Whatever it is, value highly what contributes to the relevant positive changes in this sector of your life, it is advisable to be more proactive in this direction to achieve even greater results. If this is not your theme, then you may be preparing for transformations that will cover all other levels of your life - personally and professionally, so that you make a kind of restart. It will be a deep inner desire, but also a chance that springs from your soul. Most of you will enjoy the support of an energetic person, this can be your partner, personal or business, a person you trust and have quite useful, meaningful conversations, delegate responsibilities. As for your professional realization - you are entering a period during which you are conducting difficult negotiations, you may have to make some kind of compromise in order to achieve your desires, it is possible that you will be required to meet higher expectations. The information flow is quite intense, you have clarifying conversations that concern your work, relationships with colleagues, etc. Differences are possible, which you need to stop in a timely manner, clear up, otherwise - they can become a serious obstacle in the future. Think, make a plan based on what you hear to come out victorious and not the opposite...
See Mariana's Services:
4th April to 10th
You are in a wonderful period during which you can harmonize and improve your immediate environment, in your home and family, but not only. Important or lasting trends are forming in this area of your life and you can still direct. You can influence priorities that concern real estate, residence, benefit in an optimal way. In the days of the Full Moon, which is on the sixth of April, you understand what supports your intentions and what possibly hinders them. Strengthen the positives and eliminate possible weak links. Some of you may now need more rest or to slow down, to make an important choice to re-energize themselves or to prepare for fundamental transformations that will affect all levels of their life, including in a professional aspect. During this week, you can harmonize your heart and love relationships, you can experience quite pleasant moments with your loved ones that will contribute to your feeling of happiness, diversify and refresh your everyday life. Your partner can support you energetically, you can have quite constructive conversations with your loved one, make important decisions with far-reaching implications. You may hear quite a few romantic words that touch your heart, but you may also act this way yourself. If you are alone, you can meet love, if you start a new relationship now, then it promises to be long-term and promising...
See Mariana's Services:
28th March to 3rd April
During this week, you may organize a small family celebration or changes are possible that are completely positive for you, that are long-term and affect your existence in your home and family. You can deal with household or property cases, even those related to residence. You can express ideas or wishes that are supported by your loved ones. You can handle legacies, if that is your topic. If that does not interest you, then you may be about to restart your life on different levels, personally and professionally. Pay attention to your intuition, it will tell you the right path and chances to take advantage of. During this week, you have the opportunity to have many constructive conversations, they may become an occasion to attract an influential or energetic person to your side, who will support your own ambitious plans. Any negotiations, clarifying conversations, agreements will have a long-term and hard-to-cancel impact and significance. You are about to transform your environment, this may happen as a result of your own ambitions, because you occupy more prestigious positions, conclude similar contracts, because you strengthen some contacts but end others... Because you harden your tone and reduce your environment, clear it of unfavorable influences. Partnerships, personal or business, move to a new level, you have the opportunity to direct them in a more positive and preferred direction, even if this requires a certain compromise on your part, to be more considerate of them, they will help you, you will be able to delegate responsibilities, you will more easily carry out your intentions, because you will have a person by your side. People close to your heart will surprise you, in most cases - it will be pleasant, but if you notice any weaknesses, remove them promptly, so that they do not grow in the future.
See Mariana's Services:
21st March to 26th
On March 21st, the New Moon is coming in the zodiac sign Aries, which will renew your closest environment of existence, in your home and family... You will have the opportunity to deal with household or property cases related to the place of residence... This can affect inheritances or understanding at home. Whatever it is, the stars are on your side and give you a chance to harmonize and improve the atmosphere at home and successfully deal with all of the above. Recently, in your daily life, significant tension has escalated due to misunderstandings, even intrigues with some of your colleagues or people who influence your professional realization. During the current week, these issues should be clarified, they tend towards conclusions and a solution. If this is impossible, then you will terminate contacts and contracts that are already exhausted in order to search and find something new and more promising. In the second part of the period, you will have many constructive conversations, this will take your partner relationships to a new and higher level or it will become an occasion to attract energetic individuals to your side that you can rely on. It is possible that new persons will appear in your environment, which raises your tone and adrenaline. Communication with your partner changes, he can become much more assertive and demanding, but you can also rely on him, even if this requires you to comply more with his will. If you are alone, you can attract a partner who is a leader in character, but will act ambitiously, give you a hand when you need one. On March 23rd, Pluto moves into the zodiac sign of Aquarius and will remain in this sector until June 11th. Pluto will help you change your financial situation or what you have in general. In this process you will rely on your family or it will be basic transformations that will transform your entire life. At this stage, you may feel only the first signs of transformations, but this trend will intensify in the coming months and even years, because Pluto will settle permanently in Aquarius for the next 20 years or so from November 2024...
See Mariana's Services:
13th March to 19th
The information flow is quite intense this week, it is not excluded that you get involved in clarifying conversations and even in disputes, in which you may learn secrets... It is possible that some of you are surrounded by personalities who are not quite open, but now you will be able to identify them and take appropriate measures. An appropriate time to remove from your environment people or circumstances that are unreliable and destabilize you, priority at work, it can be your colleagues, but not only... Be careful who you trust, be more flexible in communication, use a psychological approach to benefit... Many will react just like that and will be able to cope with this challenge. You are quite emotional, you are prone to extreme decisions, you can cause transformations that have a wide impact, but if you have thought everything, then everything will be all right... In the second part of the week, especially in the last days, you will feel more confident and supported by loved ones, you may receive news or an offer that will affect you in a positive way...
See Mariana's Services:
6th March to 12th
On March 7th, Saturn will move into the zodiac sign of Pisces and for the next two and a half years it will change your environment. In most cases, this will happen in a natural way - you will gradually develop greater criticality towards others. You will increasingly believe only in facts, not in pretty words. You will learn from your accumulated experience in relationships, probably in this process you will also analyze the past, so in the future - you will reduce your relationships, you will remove from your environment those, whom you consider to be unreliable and have no place in your future development. This position will strengthen your willpower and steadfastness when expressing your opinion and ideas. In an optimal version, this will contribute to the imposition of your authority among others, so that your words will have greater audibility. Your concentration on speaking more prestigiously will grow, this process may be accompanied by great concentration, also - an increase in your knowledge. It is not excluded that such behavior will distance certain persons around you, so your contacts will decrease and so will the people you can rely on, but the few you will allow to be with you - will be proven loyal. During this period, it is quite appropriate to strengthen and renew the feelings between you and your loved ones, grown children or a partner, if you have one. You can count on pleasant experiences in your home and family, where you will find warmth, happiness, understanding... However, differences and tensions may appear in your workplace, it is not excluded that you will face unfair competition and even detractors. You will be required to develop a proper communication strategy to attract allies to your side to avoid disputes, even conflicts. If this is impossible, then you will terminate employment relationships or contracts that have served their time. On the seventh of March, the Full Moon is coming, which will show you to a significant extent - on whom and to what extent you can rely, if there are any illusions - you will part with them, it can be said that this will have a sobering effect on you, even if not always is pleasant, it will still be useful... Because knowledge is always power...
See Mariana's Services:
27th February to 6th March
During this week, you may have conversations that are sufficiently important or decisive for your future development. Communication is a conduit of opportunity, a chance to turn some challenges into your favor or to attract a dose of luck to your side. You can satisfy your whim, fulfill a secret desire, because there is someone to support you, it can be a loved one or another person who influences your future development prospects. Despite everything, the daily life of most of you is quite stressful, it may be accompanied by high competition, demands, it is useful to beware of manipulations and frauds, be careful who you let in and who you trust. It is useful to clear your environment of certain individuals who can rather hinder your success, if there are such persons - you will identify them, this trend will continue to a significant extent in the next week, be careful and everything will be fine. During the current period, you may overcome some challenge that affects your financial situation. It is recommended to protect your interests, not to lose sight of more distant goals, so as not to get lost, figuratively speaking. The results are long-lasting, if you are not satisfied, it will be a clear sign that you will have to turn a new page very soon. Most of you enjoy the support of your families, you may have a holiday at home, probably for good reason. Real estate issues are developing well, rather than living, if that is what you are interested in.
See Mariana's Services:
20th February till 26th
The week starts with a New Moon, which will affect important relationships, contracts, etc. In the coming days and nearly a month, you will be required to be more socially active, express thoughts and ideas that will be supported, create or strengthen contacts that will become a bridge to your successes. Communication will be a conduit of opportunities, but also a chance to protect yourself from unfavorable influences, some intrigues or high competition, which have escalated recently. You are entering a strong period, during which you will be able to protect your interests in the way described above, you will achieve professional success, which you can count on for a very long time - until the end of the year and maybe much longer. The current period is very important for your financial situation, for your career development, do your best, be proactive and you will see that your efforts will be rewarded. Harmony reigns in your home and family, you can rely on your loved ones, it is possible that you will organize a celebration this week or next. You excel at priorities that concern real estate or residence and this trend will intensify...
See Mariana's Services:
13th February to 19th
Trends that affect your financial situation are escalating this week. The past catches up with you in some way, for this reason the messages to you are not unambiguous. Some of you will be able to stabilize their income, get long-term sources of income, receive a kind of reward for their efforts up to this point and by asserting their authority, they will enjoy a kind of approval. Some will begin negotiations or receive notices that will backfire on them, if not immediately, then in the next week. It is possible that among you there are people, who have to pay off debts, but this will help you part with a kind of burden. Some of you will deal with a difficulty that will make them more resistant to external influences, can help them build a strategy for future profits. In any case, it is advisable to leave behind everything that does not satisfy you and even hinders you in terms of profits, a sense of well-being, etc. Throughout the week you have conversations that are successful, you can through communication attract a kind of support, if you need it. You may hear news that will bring you satisfaction. You enjoy more goodwill and understanding from others, take advantage of it in an optimal way.
See Mariana's Services:
6th February to 12th
During this week and until February 20th, on various occasions, you may have to protect your interests more than usual. You may be strongly mobilized to stabilize your income, to overcome some challenge that affects your financial status and stability. What is happening has a wide impact, if you rely on accumulated experience and authority, analyze the past to act differently and get a better result than before, if this is necessary, then everything will be fine. Some of you will be able to find long-term and permanent sources of profit. Others will receive a reward, thanks to their efforts up to this point. Third - they will have to pay off debts, if they have any, they will have to reassess topics like expenses and profits... Some of you will get involved in clarifying conversations or ones that include a power struggle, literally and in a broader sense. You can use strategy to come out victorious. Most of you will enjoy support from your loved ones, a partner or grown children, if you have any. In the workplace, however, it is useful to guard against tension and even intrigue, be more flexible in communication in order to go through this period more easily.
See Mariana's Services:
30th January to 5th February
During this week, you will be able to demonstrate a kind of self-control that will be evident in your statements and expediency in your actions. This will help you to realize your innermost desire or turn some challenges into your favor. You may be in a situation that requires you to protect your interests, to pay some price, literally and in a wider sense, it is a matter of choice how you will react, but you have a chance in the above-described way to win something important for you or come out victorious. The period is suitable to increase your income, including by dealing with increased or unfair competition. Successes won now will develop almost by own momentum in the coming months as well, maybe even longer period of time, this will guarantee you a kind of prosperity or peace of mind, more security in a purely financial aspect. The aspect of the stars requires you to be more flexible in communication, but not to over-trust yourself, so as not to let other people replace your desires, so as not to displace you, etc. Your own and increased initiative in the direction of profit, materialization of intentions, will give their results, do not lose sight of your goals and such outcomes are almost guaranteed to you... You may come across quite beautiful words or promises, whether it is for personal or business relationships, but it is advisable to filter what you hear and trust rather real evidence...
See Mariana's Services:
23rd January to 29th
Purely financial priorities can become an increasingly important topic for you. Now is a good time for you to negotiate your interests, to achieve successes that will enrich you. Positive trends that you set this or next week will enrich you and expand your horizons of development in the coming months, maybe even years. The more proactive you are and have a clear plan of action, the further you can go. Some of you may make cardinal decisions that will transform their material situation, others will begin to catch up with results and achievements that they have been striving for and for a long time, including in the past year 2022. Third - they will be able to rely on their family, which will support them on different levels. It is not excluded that you will decide to invest in your loved ones, in real estate, because you find that there you can find the greatest wealth or peace of mind. Whatever it is, strategize and act in your preferred option that will contribute to your comfort of existence for a long period of time. In the second part of the week, a person appears in your environment, who strongly supports you and from whom you can benefit. You will enjoy more goodwill from those around you and your words will be heard more. Despite everything, you are in a period during which you get out of complex situations or misunderstandings, the roots of which are in the past. You can still influence, clear up any misunderstandings, as long as no boundaries are crossed. In such a case, sudden, but not random chances will appear for you, trends that you outlined or set before will gain speed and let them please you.
See Mariana's Services:
16th January to 22nd
The Sun is in your zodiac sign until January 20th. Make the most of it to strengthen the kind of changes that will have far- reaching implications for your future development. You are able to rely on strong intuition, deep inner insights that can cause an inner metamorphosis, it will help you to bring to the surface qualities that will make you stronger and more combative, able to turn any challenges into an advantage, even because – you build a strategy that is profitable. However, if in some cases this is impossible, then you have to turn a new page, renew something in order not to lose sight of your interests, even in the more distant future. An important topic is precisely your finances, your security, in order to keep and even multiply what you have – in common. During this week, some of you will get long-term and stable income, establish their authority, prove themselves as specialists, this will help them to deal with purely financial matters. Others will receive a reward for all their efforts, others will analyze, probably not without reason, to what extent their dreams can be realized in practice. You will be increasingly focused on priorities that concern income and expenses, if not everything satisfies you, you may make a big new beginning after January 22nd, such changes or challenges will prompt you to concentrate on this topic.
See Mariana's Services:
9th January to 15th
During this week, your initiative is high and above the average level, your own active position, social activity - it can become an occasion for you to materialize your dreams, to put your ideas into practice, because your approach is creative, you can also include your intuition, accumulated experience and knowledge, all this will become an occasion - to find like-minded people, to reach the other side more easily or to find a way to do so, respectively to influence and receive - support and approval from others, from country of personalities that can become a bridge to your own successes. Communication is a conduit of opportunity, take advantage of it in an optimal way... You can count on significant chances and above average, but because the Sun is in your zodiac sign, it will require you to be more active, so the result will depend mostly on you, the good news is that the stars will support a significant part of your wishes and give you the "green light" in the direction you have taken. During the first part of the week, you may win something important to you, have a positive effect on your income or make a breakthrough in your professional realization. In the second part of the week, increased expenses escalate, they can be useful investments in yourself, in your loved ones, in your business, if you have one. If everything is well thought out, then it is okay...
See Mariana's Services:
1st January to 8th 2023
The Sun is still in your zodiac sign and requires you to be more proactive, more socially active, in order not to miss some chances, but to continue building trends that will accompany you in the next year and maybe longer period of time. Against this background, you may tend to rethink your past decisions, but this can unlock sudden chances, a way out of complex situations, finding a way to your desires, because you act differently and get a better result than before. The past catches up with you in some way, gives you options, priority in relationships, controversial cases, but not only. You continue using a psychological approach in communication with others, it is also possible to learn secrets, see beyond the visible or you get to know others from a different and unseen angle, but knowledge is always useful and you can benefit from it. During the current period, you receive strong support from your family, financial or moral, some positive changes in your home and family are not excluded. If this is not your topic, then you will turn a new page that will completely renew your life, affect your property and stability, also – future development prospects. There are chances to increase you well-being or win something important to you.
See Mariana's Services:
19th December to 25th
On December 22rd, the Sun enters your zodiac sign, for the next month and so, you will be building trends that will grow throughout the next year. To a large extent these trends will be determined by your own ambitious, desire and initiative. During the current period, you receive a dose of enthusiasm, you are ready to renew and change your life by realizing your dreams, chances for this arise, as a result of support from people important to you, during the period, you enjoy more attention, support and approval from those around you… Venus is in your zodiac sign, it acts like a magnet, with which you more easily attract what you most desire, take advantage in an optimal way. Some of your actions will meet with sudden support and in a quick way you will be able to accomplish what you set out to do. The period is great for healing and improving relationships with loved ones – children and partners. They may give you unexpected and pleasant surprises. Take advantage of the New Moon, which is on December 23rd in your zodiac sign and is one of the most important for you throughout the coming year. Those born on December 23rd and 24th will experience a significant renewal in their lives, they will make a big new beginning that will change the scenery around them, in their home, family, they may change their place of residence, etc. The rest of the representatives of this sign can also expect a similar renewal, as by May 2023 they will be able to deal with household and property priorities, sometimes hereditary, for some – the family will expand with new members.
See Mariana's Services:
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