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I had a full chart astrology reading with Philip. His knowledge and effortless ability to relay the information are impeccable. Thank you for the time, a true gift.

said for Philip


Philip Astrologer


I am Philip Daniel Miles an Astrologer by craft, practice, trade & passion.

Astrology is a logical template for life, experience, metaphysics & reality, although mostly considered to be about the cycles of the stars this language of our sky clock is a reflection of the various frequencies emanating from the source of all creation within us.

I have had the benefit of immersing myself within my Astrological practice since 2007 working full time as an Astrologer hosting clients since 2017, working within a thriving online community from all over the world.

I have been making Astrology forecast on YouTube for every New & Full Moon as well as other major & exciting aspects since 2016, also hosting interviews with fellow world renowned Astrologers, as well as sharing valuable Astrological presentations teaching about this timeless modality I also share uplifting heart based frequency messages every day.

In 2020 a year many of us Astrologers had been looking at oncoming for quite some time I decided to follow my hearts call moving to Mexico to explore my ambitions of leading groups in Astrology workshops.

I love to share the teachings of Astrology as this language of the stars, all shapes signs and symbols is the handbook to the psychology of the universal mind. We gain a more broad inner standing the longer we work with the archetypes always opening up to grater wisdom & the ability to empower ourselves to our own story!

I am excited to continue sharing both in person doing workshops International as well as online Astrology chart readings. I am excited to be writing books on my passionate connection to the cosmos through the lens of Astrology as well as music & other excitements for the months & years to follow.

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me.

Here are my services

Fully Comprehensive Natal Chart Reading & All Current Transits - 90 mins $350

Extensive Answer to One Question: 30 mins Recorded - $100

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