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Read testimonials for Ian Altosaar

Hi, I had a reading with Ian. Ian took the time to really understand the whole situation and use Astrology to offer me direction. The reading was so liberating and mind-opening. His remedy is already working. If you feel like you are stuck and you need to get a breakthrough, you should definitely book a reading with Ian. Best wishes, Audrey

said for Ian Altosaar

Ian is an absolute delight to talk to. Please book him and you would not be disappointed. I feel like I leaped ten steps forward after chatting with him; also slept 9h that night and woke up lighter because I felt like I didn't have to doubt myself. He's truly kind, thorough and very compassionate.

said for Ian Altosaar

Ian Altosaar

Ian Altosaar Astrologer

Freedom Astrologer

In each and every month there’s a 2,5 day period where astrological and therapeutical consultations are more potent for the individual.

They get more out of it.

I personally only consult people during that time! Please remember that before making a booking! Send me Your birth data (date, place and most importantly time!) at first contact if possible!

Hey there, my name is Ian Altosaar The Freedom Astrologer. I use astrology in a practical, scientific, and non-bullshit way to help people get clear about what they genuinely want in their lives. One of the big parts of this is to find more freedom in our endeavors. Something we all are yearning for deep down. This often entails looking at the more difficult places in our psyche that astrology is perfect for.

I’ve spent the last 9 years diving deep into the occult, astrology, psychology, therapy, men’s work and other healing practices, methodologies that I now also offer to the people seeking out my guidance.

I believe in practically testing things out in the real world an seeing if they work. In my practice, the solutions I offer to You have been taken “to the streets” so to speak and put to the test in real life scenarios as much as possible.

I also use many different branches of astrology; I believe they all have something to teach us. As well as we should be actively finding ways of improving them and making them useful in the modern world.

Delivery of horoscopes: 1-3 weeks

During promos or peak periods: 3-6 weeks

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me.

Here are my services

1 hour Zoom consultation $250

(If we can’t reach an agreement for a LIVE meeting because of time zone differences, I will send You a pre-recorded reading with written notes)   For most of us there are certain themes and beliefs that keep us from reaching our goals, dreams, and desires. These themes are often deeply ingrained in our subconsciousness and hard to reach/release. During this consultation I will help You get clear on Your current situation – where You are at and what is troubling You. As well as suggest possible solutions and devise an actionable plan for You to move forward with. Be it life, career, relationships, etc. Before the LIVE call I will send You written notes so that we can go deeper during the call. Please enter your birth details (day, month, and year, birth time as indicated in birth certificate/or rectified time and birth city & country) and places of interest in the contact form below post-purchase.

or just say hi

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